California Curriculum

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Completely updated for 2022

New updates to your materials!  The California Studies Weekly Social Studies curriculum was adopted by the California Department of Education in 2017. That adoption is still current, but the State Board allowed us to create a newer supplemental version that is:

•  More deeply aligned to state standards and frameworks

•  More comprehensive units

•  Includes more California-specific content

•  Differentiated with multiple access points to learning

•  Culturally relevant

Studies Weekly's Natalia

California 2022 Social Studies Samples

Click your grade level to see an interactive sample of curriculum designed specifically for California

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Studies Weekly's 2022 DEI Philosophy

How is the New Version Different?

Questions about Critical Race Theory?

California Spanish Social Studies Samples

Click your grade level to see an interactive sample

California 2017 Social Studies K-6 Adoption Samples

Click your grade level to see an interactive sample

Engage ALL K-5 students in SCIENCE Curriculum

2 NEW Studies Weekly Science core programs. Choose which curriculum will fit your students. Both will inspire the next generation of innovators.

Explore Science: Encourage Students to Investigate

Explore Science, Studies Weekly’s newest K-5 Science curriculum, is built for the future of science instruction. Fully aligned with NGSS to encourage student-driven learning, but not overwhelming for teachers.

Click on a grade to see a sample

Studies Weekly Science: Support Wonder and Literacy

Phenomenon-based, aligned with national and state frameworks, with extensive non-fiction and informational text practice to support ELA.

Click your grade to see an interactive sample


    Social Studies Reimagined.

Explore Science: Encourage Students to Investigate

Explore Science, Studies Weekly’s newest K-5 Science curriculum, is built for the future of science instruction. Fully aligned with NGSS to encourage student-driven learning, but not overwhelming for teachers.

Click on a grade to see a sample

Studies Weekly Science: Support Wonder and Literacy

Phenomenon-based, aligned with national and state frameworks, with extensive non-fiction and informational text practice to support ELA.

Click your grade to see an interactive sample

Health & Wellness

A Tier 1 PreK–6 Health curriculum that helps students develop physical, mental, social, academic, and emotional wellness skills.

Click your grade level to see a sample

ELO-P and Studies Weekly

Studies Weekly’s expanded learning materials are student-centered, results-driven, and focused on improving student skills in ELA, Social Studies, Science and Well-Being. For use with before/after school programs, summer school, or intersession learning.

Let us be your partner in creating an ELO-P Plan

PD Pricing

Active Learning

• Hands-on

• Strengthens critical thinking skills

Natalia green circle background

Skill Building

Informational text and experiential learning builds ELA and literacy skills
Steven green circle background

Youth Voice

Empower students to become responsible citizens who make informed decisions
PD Pricing

Healthy Choices

Encourage students to persevere as they learn growth mindset skills with Well-Being
Claire green circle background

Access & Equity

• Celebrate all experiences

• Scaffolding and differentiation

Consumable Doc
Comprehensive Doc


Chris Stott

Chris Stott

California Regional Manager
Cody Erickson

Cody Erickson

California Regional Manager
Studies Weekly is a highly engaging social studies curriculum. Our students love learning about history through storytelling and inquiry. The newspaper style allows our students and teachers to manipulate the document to make cut and paste projects.
Chris has been my contact person since the beginning and we just hit it off really well, which is always nice. I don't view vendors as a third party. I view it as a partnership and a relationship to set my kids up for success.
Orange Sales Rep header

Expand your Teaching
IN CLASS and through

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