Expand Your Teaching

Studies Weekly is an innovative curriculum program for teaching Delaware State Standards for Social Studies in grades K-6. Engaging, easy-to-use periodicals and online learning platform make learning fun at an affordable price.

•  Differentiated with multiple access points to learning

•  Supports ELA for use in your literacy block

•  Google Classroom Integrated

•  Organized through themes

•  Student-Friendly

•  Integrated

Studies Weekly's Natalia

Delaware Social Studies Samples

Click your grade level to see an interactive sample

Engage ALL K-5 students in SCIENCE Curriculum

2 NEW Studies Weekly Science core programs. Choose which curriculum will fit your students. Both will inspire the next generation of innovators.

Explore Science: Encourage Students to Investigate

Explore Science, Studies Weekly’s newest K-5 Science curriculum, is built for the future of science instruction. Fully aligned with NGSS to encourage student-driven learning, but not overwhelming for teachers.

Click on a grade to see a sample

Science Studies Weekly: Support Wonder and Literacy

BALANCE informational text skills and experiential learning with Studies Weekly Science (available now), and a new update Science Studies Weekly (coming soon).

• Implementation similar to Social Studies
• Real-world examples & activities
• Exploration of STEM careers
• More reading practice
• ELA support

Studies Weekly Science: Available Now!

Phenomenon-based, aligned with national and state frameworks, with extensive non-fiction and informational text practice to support ELA.

Available now through the 26-27 school year.

Click your grade to see an interactive sample

Science Studies Weekly: Coming Soon!

An update to Studies Weekly Science, this new K-5 curriculum will still be phenomenon-based, aligned with standards, and include even stronger informational text practice to support ELA. In addition, you will have an even easier implementation experience in print and online.

Available ONLINE starting the 2025-26 school year.

Click your grade to see an interactive sample

Health & Wellness

A Tier 1 PreK–6 Health curriculum that helps students develop physical, mental, social, academic, and emotional wellness skills.

Click your grade level to see a sample

Oklahoma Science Pricing and PD
Oklahoma Science Standard Correlations
Oklahoma Scope and Sequence
Oklahoma Online Navigation Guide

Consumable Doc
Comprehensive Doc


Sheldon Savage

Sheldon Savage

Delaware Regional Manager
Orange Sales Rep header

Expand your Teaching
IN CLASS and through

Print and online digital versions_iPad_publication3

Student Services Technician, California

"I get a lot of feedback from parents about Studies Weekly, and it's always positive. Parents and students both seem to really enjoy the content in every subject. I think Studies Weekly is a wonderful addition to our curriculum."

Homepage Testimonials
"I get a lot of feedback from parents about Studies Weekly, and it's always positive. Parents and students both seem to really enjoy the content in every subject. I think Studies Weekly is a wonderful addition to our curriculum."

Elementary Educational Services Director, California

"Teachers continue to enjoy using Studies Weekly. They enjoy the consumable copies and content."

Homepage Testimonials
"Teachers continue to enjoy using Studies Weekly. They enjoy the consumable copies and content."

Educator, California

"Studies Weekly is awesome! It includes many visuals – students fully engage to earn coins. It covers all the important standards in both history & informational reading. The paper magazines cover the 4 domains for ELD testing: (ELPAC) listening, reading, speaking, and writing. My class loves it."

Homepage Testimonials
"Studies Weekly is awesome! It includes many visuals – students fully engage to earn coins. It covers all the important standards in both history & informational reading. The paper magazines cover the 4 domains for ELD testing: (ELPAC) listening, reading, speaking, and writing. My class loves it."

Curriculum Coordinator, Louisiana

"Studies Weekly Online is amazing! It continues to evolve, adding useful information while keeping an easy-to-follow format. The PD section is incredible, with easy-to-understand videos.”
Homepage Testimonials
"Studies Weekly Online is amazing! It continues to evolve, adding useful information while keeping an easy-to-follow format. The PD section is incredible, with easy-to-understand videos.”
Homepage Testimonials