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Customer Support

Phone: (866) 311-8734

Hours: M-F 6:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. MT

Studies Weekly Office
1140 N 1430 W, Orem, UT 84057


Check out our Homeschool Page for help with: ordering, lesson planning, and using Studies Weekly Online!
You won't regret working with the friendly and kind representatives, and the beautifully wrapped materials you'll receive. The attention to detail ALONE that Studies Weekly provides has saved me so much time and frustration.
I cannot possibly communicate how much working with all of you has meant to me. You showed such appreciation for my work and you treated me so kindly and professionally. I am forever grateful. I am so glad that we now have Studies Weekly in each of our elementary schools!! Our teachers have really appreciated it and they are using it for the betterment of our students.