Ohio Social Studies

Students can use our core curriculum in a student-friendly periodical format and robust online learning platform anytime, anywhere.

• Aligned to Ohio’s Learning Standards and Model Curriculum for Social Studies

• Incorporates the Ohio Standards for English Language Arts

• Includes multiple access points to learning

• Organized through themes

Studies Weekly's Natalia

Ohio Social Studies Samples

Designed specifically for your state

Click your grade level to see an interactive sample

New Ohio Science Curriculum

A new K-5 core science curriculum fully aligned to Ohio’s Learning Standards for Science

Click your grade to see an interactive sample

Health & Wellness

A Tier 1 PreK–6 Health curriculum that helps students develop physical, mental, social, academic, and emotional wellness skills.

Click your grade level to see a sample

Consumable Doc
Comprehensive Doc


Naomi Brisco

Naomi Brisco

Ohio Regional Manager
OH Quote 4th Grade Teacher, OH
OH Quote 4th Grade Teacher, OH
Orange Sales Rep header

Expand your TeachingIN CLASS and ONLINE

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