How Studies Weekly Uses Scientific Principles to Innovate Science Teaching
Explore Science is Studies Weekly’s newest K-5 science curriculum. Filled with hands-on experiments and direct exposure to natural phenomena, Studies Weekly built Explore Science to spark wonder and curiosity in students and instill in them an early love of science.
The curriculum teaches students about scientific processes like using observations and evidence to draw conclusions and using student inquiry to drive learning. Studies Weekly incorporated numerous scientific principles into the development of Explore Science, ensuring it is thoroughly researched, rigorously tested, validated, and highly effective.
Explore Science is the scientific solution to teaching science.
1. Asking Questions
Much like how the scientific method begins with asking questions, Studies Weekly created Explore Science to answer the question of how to effectively and affordably teach science standards and inspire students with wonder and a love for science.
Explore Science sparks this curiosity in students through learning-by-doing. The curriculum encourages students to ask questions and use valid scientific processes to seek answers. Studies Weekly crafted this curriculum to teach the science standards with an engaging, hands-on approach.
2. Researching and Creating the Curriculum
Studies Weekly’s curricula undergo an intensive blueprinting and specification process. Before any content is developed, specialists collaborate to analyze standards and unpack documents and frameworks, ensuring that research, legislation, and standards inform the curriculum. Explore Science was tailored specifically to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to ensure it met requirements and adhered to scientifically supported best practices.
3. Testing and Evaluating the Curriculum
After the curriculum’s completion, it was distributed to numerous independent reviewers to provide unbiased, data-supported feedback. Explore Science received a positive evaluation from CSA Education with the NGSS Lesson Screener Tool. Additionally, independent reviewers used the EdReports rubric and found Explore Science to have a powerful alignment with NGSS.
The independent reviewers reported superior results for all seven criteria:
- Three-Dimensional Learning
- Phenomena and Problems-Driven Learning
- Coherence and Scope
- Teacher Supports
- Assessment
- Student Supports
- Intentional Design
Each grade level in Explore Science attained a minimum of 93% of the total available points, with the majority surpassing 95%. See the Independent Review Summary here.
Reviews from external sources play a crucial role in refining Explore Science, guiding its ongoing enhancements to better adhere to standards and enhance student learning. The strong alignment with standards and science teaching best practices also validates Explore Science as an effective and high-quality curriculum.
Explore Science is continually tested and improved to meet the learning needs of today’s students and tomorrow’s scientists.
Innovate how you teach Science!