What do our customers say about us?

Read Studies Weekly Reviews
Jen Mello
Jen Mello, Literacy Teacher, CA

“We have focused on integration this year as a district, and Studies Weekly was perfect to use to teach literacy skills through informational text and maximize our instructional time. Studies Weekly is so great because everything is on it. It can just be sent home, and the kids already know what to do with it. We love that students are able to write and annotate directly on the text of the articles to support the teaching of critical reading skills.”

Kristin Wolfgang
Kristin Wolfgang, Kindergarten Teacher, TX

“I love Studies Weekly. The articles are engaging and rigorous, and my struggling readers can read along with the articles online. I am also able to integrate reading standards into my Social Studies lessons by using suggestions from the Teaching Supplements. Having the newspapers for the entire year helps me to stay on pace in presenting the social studies curriculum.”

Reginald Wright
Reginald Wright, Instructional Coach, TX

“When I first saw Studies Weekly, I thought, ‘This is awesome.’ It’s not a huge textbook, so it’s not intimidating at all. My students can read it and highlight it, circle it and write on it. Then they can fold it, put it in their backpack, and take it home with them. It’s just the best product ever.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“The delivery system of the content as opposed to a big boring text is great. And the colors and the pictures are vibrant, and they really stand out!”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“It is nice not to have another textbook/workbook. Students can annotate the articles, write answers to the activities, and complete the crossword puzzle. There are a lot of good online resources, too.”

Lead District Coordinator, HI

“We did not have a formal Character Development program so we ordered materials that dealt with feelings and emotions. I was visiting a rural A+ site when I observed the Site Coordinator teaching a lesson from Studies Weekly Well-Being Program. I was impressed with the curriculum and decided to pursue it for the following school year.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“If you want a curriculum that feeds children information about the world around them in a way that is kid-friendly, Studies Weekly would be a curriculum to use, and it’s affordable. When it comes to the teachers, it is a curriculum they can pick up and use quickly without needing six hours of PD.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“We never had much of a social studies curriculum at our school. I had one set of big books (5 units) and very little resources to go along with it. Studies Weekly has changed my outlook on history (I never enjoyed teaching it before). It is simple to follow as a teacher and fun to teach!”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“What is most valuable to me is the lesson plans. After teaching for 25 years, it is nice that someone else has put in the hard work! They are step-by-step and very easy to follow.”

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“The curriculum has helped us to have a more focused approach in social studies.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“Everything is technology-based now, so it is nice to have tangible materials.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“The content and the curriculum, that piece is very engaging. You could use it as the core curriculum. You could use it to supplement. It’s very kid-friendly and it’s very homeschool-friendly too. And so I would say, for someone who might not have a lot of background or knowledge in homeschooling, and this might be the first time, this would be a wonderful tool, because it lays it all out for you.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] has multi-grade capability with it and it’s tangible, which homeschool families love. They love something to hold onto and they can read it together as a family.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“I love that the articles are short and concise — with so many attention issues, these help keep the students focused. We answer the questions in game format; a contestant can ask a friend for help when confused or unsure. My whole class loves earning coins.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teacher, LA

“I’m already begging my district to repurchase it for next year! I would tell someone it’s a no-brainer. Everything you need is ready to go — including lessons, activities, tests, answer keys, teacher guides, and more! Another great thing is all of this is available in print AND online! Students find it engaging, and teachers find it easy to implement.”

Teacher, AL

“[Studies Weekly] provides a variety of methodologies and components to help teachers reach all different levels of learners. It enforces the pedagogy needed to make lessons manageable and meaningful.”

Assistant Superintendent, CA

“Studies Weekly has provided our teachers with an effective and easy way to teach their social studies and science standards to students in kindergarten through the sixth grade. The weekly curriculum has a variety of topics, digital support, and activities to use for quality student engagement. Our teachers love the primary sources too! They are able to engage their students in meaningful activities and discussions with a user-friendly approach. Studies Weekly has also provided our schools with information about the weeks that have content which is in conflict with our faith. Teachers can just use the online resources for those weeks with their students. Our teachers and their students love learning with Studies Weekly.”

5th Grade Teacher, TX

“Social Studies Weekly has allowed me to seamlessly integrate social studies into my reading and writing lessons! My “Students of Liberty” look forward to reading these weekly publications and sharing what they’ve learned. As a teacher, I appreciate how the units are organized and aligned to our curriculum. I highly recommend this resource!”

Coordinator for Social Studies, TX

“It’s particular to our kids and living here, and I like that I can be assured that I’m hitting all those main standards.”

6th Grade Teacher, GA

“I LOVE the depth and complexity of activities and prompts to offer to my gifted students. Often I provide them with an independent study based on those suggestions since they can read and understand the newspaper so quickly and easily.”

1st Grade Teacher, CA

“I really enjoyed the Studies Weekly curriculum. It was effective and engaging for our students. The students really understood the text as it was written. It also had adjustable reading levels for each text. The magazines were fun for the kids, too! This is wonderful as far as space goes because it doesn’t take up any room in their already packed desks. It makes it easy for the students to follow along, especially for the younger students who have a hard time finding page numbers in big books. The google classroom link makes it easy to assign for our distance learners. Also, it asks comprehension questions at the end of each online assignment so no copying or sending home textbooks is required. I really enjoyed this curriculum and found it would be a great addition for our younger students.”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“The use of Studies Weekly in our school district has helped elevate the teaching of social studies in the elementary grades. Elementary teachers are expected to be knowledgeable in so many areas but are often less confident in their social studies expertise than their reading, writing, and math expertise. Studies Weekly provides content knowledge for teachers and students in an easy-to-use way.“

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“The resources that [Studies Weekly] gives go above and beyond the daily routine. If the teachers are looking at the resources, they can find a wealth of different readings for the kids and writing opportunities.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“We love the magazines and being able to utilize them for partner work. Students are able to dive deeper into a topic, depending on what they are learning. I love the detailed lesson plans that accompany the magazines.”

Teacher, FL

“With Studies Weekly, I always have what I need to teach my classes effectively. They have so many options and resources that are such a wonderful help in the classroom. They make learning fun, relatable, more hands-on for the students to keep growing year after year. The students get excited to learn from the user-friendly student edition online or with the print. They provide you with fun learning games that give the kiddos incentive to learn the material and do well with their schoolwork. The staff have helped me with any online issues I have had.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“If you don’t have as much time in the class as I do, even if you just have 15 minutes, you still have the little newspaper. They can go through that, they can cut that up, and they can put it in a journal. You can still have a very successful lesson. If you want to draw it out for a week or so, then all the printables are online.”

Teacher, FL

“[Studies Weekly] pushes me to make learning more hands-on. It helps me stay prepared for class every day with minimal preparation.”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“I like the papers that the students can complete at school, and they can take them home to read them later. I also like the videos in the online component.”

Teacher, FL

“I’ve had to search for extra resources with other books and curriculum. With Studies Weekly, I don’t have to.”

3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“Implementing the curriculum is super easy! The teacher manuals are easily understandable and can be taught with minimal prework. Newspapers can be organized easily and are set up in a user-friendly way!”

2nd Grade Teacher, MD

“I’ve been teaching for 26 years and I’ve never really had a social studies curriculum that works as well as this one does, and it is so nicely aligned with what we’re doing in reading and in science. That’s one of the things I love about it. It’s so accessible for all of the kids. I love the technology component. I love the materials that they’re using, and the kids really enjoy it.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] has what you need. It’s got the color, it’s got it all mapped out for you. It’s got the planning for you on it, and then it’s just little tweaks here and there. It’s a great homeschool resource!”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“I also enjoy the resources, such as the interviews or the videos. They are so easy to include in a lesson plan, and a lot of those videos, you already have them in Spanish as well. So that’s another great feature that you guys provide.”

Teacher, AL

“My students have LOVED the online portion of the videos and newspaper! They always look forward to social studies because of the newspaper and its layout.”

Teacher, AZ

“The best part about Studies Weekly is having access to historical information written at a student’s reading level. Often times historians do not write in a way that preteens could grasp, I really like having a resource that is understandable and approachable for my students.”

Teacher, CA

“The weekly publications are a nice change of pace from a regular textbook for both the students and our teachers. We love that students are able to write and annotate directly on the text of the articles to support the teaching of critical reading skills.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“The content and the curriculum, that piece is very engaging. You could use it as the core curriculum. You could use it to supplement. It’s very kid-friendly and it’s very homeschool-friendly too. And so I would say, for someone who might not have a lot of background or knowledge in homeschooling, and this might be the first time, this would be a wonderful tool, because it lays it all out for you.”

Social Studies Teacher Development Specialist, TX

“‘Digging Deep into Informational Text with Social Studies is crucial!’ as an educator of 32 years, I stand by my quote. Working in the largest urban school district in the state of Texas, Studies Weekly provides the academic opportunities for students to obtain concise informational text from the classroom community to the global community right at their fingertips.”

4th Grade Teacher, OH

“I greatly appreciate, like, and use the teacher supplement. The supplement is diverse and differentiated. There are many suggestions and ideas to choose from that will work for my diverse and unique classes.”

2nd Grade Teacher, TN

“I do like the supplement worksheets a lot, and I am able to take grades for those. I feel like they allow for critical thinking without straying too far from the content in the magazine. Thank you for your time and for making me feel like my opinion matters.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“Thanks for creating a resource with print and digital options!”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“Studies Weekly makes planning and teaching simple!”

6th Grade Teacher, NC

“Buy it! Get the PTA to fund it if your district won’t.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“[Studies Weekly] is student-friendly, has relevant topics, and you can use it alone or add to it. It’s aligned to the standards. It has lots of support & extension materials and opportunities to tie into real-world issues.”

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“The curriculum has helped us to make sure that our instruction is focused. Implementing it is easy, as you can follow the program that is provided.”

3rd Grade Teacher, KY

“I love the focus on inquiry and the use of compelling and supporting questions! This program pushes young learners to not only answer questions about social studies but ask them as well! It also encourages young citizens to take action in their communities. Used effectively, the social studies classroom becomes more than an environment to ‘sit and get’!”

Account Clerk, HI

“We chose to purchase Studies Weekly because we’ve noticed when our leaders within the program integrate the curriculum into their daily lesson plans the students are excited to participate and fully engaged with all the various activities provided with the booklets.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“[Studies Weekly] is easy to use, topics are relative to what is happening in our world today, and assessments and videos are provided.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“[Studies Weekly’s] curriculum is great and the newspaper is a conversational piece, it really is!”

Instructional Coach, FL

“Get it! The students will love it, you will love it, and it incorporates itself well with the curriculum.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“Our new principal was a former teacher and used [Studies Weekly] in his class. He enjoyed it so much that we started it this year. The benefits to using Studies Weekly is that there are detailed lessons, activities, and a fun newspaper every week!”

Academic Coach, HI

“In the coming school year, we are excited to see students interact with a new format of text, as well as giving my teachers many tools to support their instruction. Built in videos, infographics, articles, etc will be great for our students to participate with.”

Teacher, FL

“The students get excited to learn from the user-friendly student edition online or with the print. They provide you with fun learning games that give the kiddos incentive to learn the material and do well with their schoolwork.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“I love that I don’t have to write lesson plans! They are already there, and they are pretty. I don’t even have to copy them because it comes in the shrink wrap right out of the box. I just put it in a binder. If anyone comes by my class and wants to know what I’m teaching that week, I can just show them my binder.”

Coordinator of Social Studies, MD

“It’s amazing to me that a company exists that does something pragmatic. It’s not something we do in education often. I think we feel like our content is THE most important, and of course, ours is, but I think having all the adults come to the table and go like, ‘We only have so many minutes, and we can get it all in!’ It’s a powerful message to be sending.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“The K-2, for us, was something that, no matter if you are self-contained or if you are departmentalized in a school, I wanted to know if this is something easy to roll out. Am I going to have to put in and log 2 hours the night before to get ready for this lesson that I might only spend 30 minutes on the next day? We wanted an ease of access for our teachers. We wanted it to be student-friendly, which it is.”

Teacher, CA

“The Studies Weekly team has been excellent in the sales, technology support, communication, and delivery of an outstanding Social Studies Curriculum designed specifically for our California History Social Science Framework and content standards. The Studies Weekly experts value customer input and concerns, and they are ready to positively respond. Innovation and service continue to be a company priority.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“When I came into this position, we had funding through ESSER that allowed us to update resources in K-12 Science and Social Studies. I pulled in team leads, teacher leads, and some principals and we started looking at different resources available. I was searching the web and stumbled upon Studies Weekly. We had samples sent, and then we had a Spring District PLC where all teachers came together. I put together the different products, and had the rubric that we use to ensure that it was a high-quality resource for our state and that it would match what we needed to do in the classroom. I also invited some community members. Studies Weekly for K-2 was by far the most popular.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“[Explore Science] is fun for kids. Betsy mentioned this when she did her first training – that kids like this, they think they are reading the newspaper when they open these things, so the kids like that. It’s got labs, it’s got kits. That was a big selling point.”

4th Grade Teacher, OH

“Overall, I enjoy the primary source documents…these are the most important piece to teaching history!!!”

Teacher, FL

“I love that in the 5th grade unit the definitions are given, this is a major time saver as I teach 6 different subjects.”

Educator, SC

“One of the things that I really like about the Studies Weekly elementary health and safety materials is how accessible they are for teachers and students. It is oftentimes very hard to find time to fit health ed into the day but with the way it is presented in Studies Weekly, it is easy to jump right in to a given week’s lesson or readings for a few minutes here and a few minutes there and still know our students are engaging with quality health and safety materials.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“Studies Weekly got it right. Minimize the lift and the carry.”

3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“I wasn’t sure what to expect, but once I saw the curriculum and started teaching it, I was pleasantly surprised and excited! The curriculum teaches my standards well and does it in a way that students can understand and relate to.“

1st Grade Teacher, KY

“This is my 24th year teaching and this is the best science program I’ve ever used before. You can do so many hands-on things with it. The terminology is awesome for kids. It’s easy for teachers. You can follow along, you can put more ideas out and it turns into a much longer lesson because you see the kids being so much more engaged. They’re taking all of these hands-on materials and they’re relating to other things.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“For the time that we devote in elementary, it’s a really good use of time. The writing is just right, the level of writing and the level of reading is correct for that. It’s age appropriate, and grade appropriate.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“For the past many years we haven’t had a great social studies curriculum, but this year we started with Studies Weekly and I absolutely love it. It’s amazing, and even I’m learning a lot. So, thank you so much for everything!”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“I would tell educators to try this version of learning through a newspaper and how it can connect to various subjects and project ideas.”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly breaks down the information into smaller chunks. It is very easy to follow the lessons.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“It is easy to use and does not require much time to sit and plan for lessons. Everything is right there for you.”

Vice Principal, CT

“Studies Weekly has provided our students with content that is meaningful and easy to understand. The provided resources are attention-grabbing and the technology component provides another layer of teaching opportunity. Studies Weekly has been a great addition to our daily curriculum!”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“It’s a great supplemental tool if you have a curriculum already in mind that you feel is your go-to, but you just, every once in a while you need something different and new, Studies Weekly would be perfect.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“Before this year, if I had a teacher who wanted to do a science experiment or science lab with kids, they were out at Walmart the night before at like 10:30 pm trying to assemble all the stuff that they needed. ‘I saw this there or I saw this off of Google,’ ‘I can do this lab,’ or ‘It fits with what I’m doing in the reading class,’ etc. But the kits are together now, and that’s the biggest thing for them.”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“It provides the resources and the substance that a parent without an educational background. It’s a bucket full of resources.”

District Lead Teacher for Social Studies, LA

“We implemented Studies Weekly district-wide for the first time at the end of 2019. We have had an overwhelmingly positive reaction from our teachers. First, Studies Weekly provides a solid content base for our students to use in order to complete rigorous activities in the LA Social Studies Scope and Sequence. Second, the consumable copy is a concept that the students enjoy. The visuals are great and the information is on grade-level and easy for students to comprehend.”

Assistant Superintendent, CA

“Studies Weekly has provided our teachers with an effective and easy way to teach their social studies and science standards to students in kindergarten through the sixth grade. The weekly curriculum has a variety of topics, digital support, and activities to use for quality student engagement. Our teachers love the primary sources too! They are able to engage their students in meaningful activities and discussions with a user friendly approach. Studies Weekly has also provided our schools with information about the weeks that have content which is in conflict with our faith. Teachers can just use the online resources for those weeks with their students. Our teachers and their students love learning with Studies Weekly.”

District Supervisor of Primary Schools, LA

“Studies Weekly provides primary source documents and a connection to reading in the content areas so that students can apply early literacy skills while increasing Social Studies content knowledge.”

2nd Grade Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly is very Teacher and Student friendly. Is engaging for the students and simple for the teachers to use. I enjoy that assessments are built-in and can be automatically graded.”

K-2 Curriculum Facilitator, LA

“Studies Weekly instructional design is highly motivating and engaging, which supports our scholars with retention of the information presented.”

Teacher, AL

“I truly LOVE the resource! I am glad to see the changes that took place this year. Keep up the good work!”

1st Grade Teacher, TX

“If I were to take the Texas Studies Weekly out of my curriculum, I would be very very lost.

2nd Grade Teacher, OH

“I do like the supplement worksheets a lot and I am able to take grades for those. I feel like they allow for critical thinking without straying too far from the content in the magazine. Thank you for your time and for making me feel like my opinion matters.”

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“My personal favorite feature is the astonishing delivery appearance upon arrival of Studies Weekly pallets! Our order shipped quickly, with zero problems. The pallets arrived individually wrapped and labeled by campus. The entire order was correct and BEAUTIFUL! The shipments from this company are so very detail-oriented, and I could not be more appreciative.”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“The customer service and support we have gotten is top notch. Questions, comments, and suggestions are truly listened to and used by the company on the product they are putting out. They truly want to know ways that teachers believe the product can be improved upon so that students walk away with the best experience possible.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“I feel that if I need something, I know exactly who to call, and I know the turnaround time is going to be quick, and I’ll get what I need.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“Chris has been my contact person since the beginning and we just hit it off really well, which is always nice. I don’t view vendors as a third party. I view it as a partnership and a relationship to set my kids up for success.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“I feel the employees at Studies Weekly who I’ve worked with, especially Kirby, are very accessible, and I think that’s huge! They have a ‘What can I do to serve you?’ attitude. I felt that in my first meeting, and it’s been that way ever since. If I call about something or have a question or concern, I feel the turnaround is very quick, and not only that, sometimes it’s more than what I asked for.”

Teacher, CA

“The Studies Weekly team has been excellent in the sales, technical support, communication, and delivery of an outstanding Social Studies Curriculum designed specifically for our California History Social Science Framework and content standards. The Studies Weekly experts value customer input and concerns, and they are ready to positively respond. Innovation and service continue to be a company priority.”

Curriculum Supervisor, TX

“Debbie Singson does an excellent job of taking care of my district’s needs. She needs a pay raise!”

Teacher, TX

“Keep doing what you are doing! Debbie Singson and her team are great!”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“I really love working with [Studies Weekly] and Brayden on supporting the implementation of this program for our school and teachers.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“You’ve all been very receptive to anything we’ve asked for, Danny’s been great at getting back to me in a really timely fashion, and it’s never a ‘No.’ It’s ‘Let’s see what we can do,’ and if it’s not possible, ‘How can we tweak it so that it is usable?’ It’s been really great.”

Social Studies Coordinator, NC

“I cannot possibly communicate how much working with all of you has meant to me. You showed such appreciation for my work and you treated me so kindly and professionally. I am forever grateful. I am so glad that we now have Studies Weekly in each of our elementary schools!! Our teachers have really appreciated it and they are using it for the betterment of our students. Thank you for everything it is an honor working with each of you.”

Teacher, FL

“I thoroughly enjoyed both the PD and recreational experiences provided by Studies Weekly. I even used a vocabulary strategy I learned while there in a vocabulary PD I put on this week! I appreciated the opportunity to be a part of the Summit.”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly customer support is the best I have worked with in many years! They are extremely responsive to all inquiries. Their willingness to customize training sessions for the varying needs of our teachers throughout the year is just what all districts need to succeed with teaching and learning. Each training we have received targeted exactly what teachers need to get started and enhance their social studies content. Studies Weekly even provides recorded, step-by-step professional development for every aspect of the program. Our district is excited to partner with Studies Weekly now and in the future!”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly customer support is the best. I have worked with them for many years! They are extremely responsive to all inquiries. Their willingness to customize training sessions for the varying needs of our teachers throughout the year is just what all districts need to succeed with teaching and learning. Each training we have received targeted exactly what teachers need to get started and enhance their social studies content. Studies Weekly even provides recorded, step-by-step professional development for every aspect of the program. Our district is excited to partner with Studies Weekly now and in the future!”

Curriculum Supervisor, GA

“Service and communication were excellent. Debbie Singson is awesome!”

Assistant Principal, TX

“Thanks for always being a beacon of light in the ugly world of materials-purchasing!”

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“I would like to thank Christina Spears for being the most helpful and gracious representative of Studies Weekly, that I proudly can call my friend! Christina goes above and beyond to make sure her districts are happy, and taken care of! Her cheerful attitude, great knowledge, and kind gestures make a wonderful example of this company.”

Director of Learning, NE

“The material quality (print and digital), the flexibility of the program, and the customer service we have received with Studies Weekly is top notch!”

Academic Coach and Teacher, HI

‘The ordering process has been a breeze and I have really enjoyed working with Brayden Bagley.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“Our representative, Tim, has been amazing with helping our school if and when we need it!”

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“You won’t regret working with the friendly and kind representatives, and the beautifully wrapped materials you’ll receive. The attention to detail ALONE that Studies Weekly provides has saved me so much time and frustration.”

School Administrator, LA

“Our school has done business with your company for several years. The students do grow and learn from the Studies Weekly.”

Teacher, TX

“I would not change a thing. From beginning to end, we felt like valuable customers. Being able to designate how my order was shipped was invaluable. It saved my warehouse and me so much time!”

Teacher, TN

“I can’t thank you enough for your support, amazing service and resources, hospitality, and friendly atmosphere that made the summit so enjoyable. I had a wonderful time learning, networking, and exploring Utah.”

Curriculum Coordinator, FL

“We are very pleased with the service we receive. Your support team is extremely responsive.”

Teacher, TX

“Oh my goodness! If others were as kind and helpful as your support staff the world would be a much better place. I do a lot more by myself now and it seems every year there’s some kind of jam up or drama happening around me. Not concerning you but from the job itself. Your staff has been so patient with me and sometimes explained things over again so I could understand and have helped me with “everything” I’ve needed, that means so much. Even when they probably wanted to pull their hair out or even mine they continued with great courteousness and respect and for sure with knowledge!!!! Anytime we had any kind of issues Studies Weekly has solved it, immediately! You are all Great!!! Thank You!!!!”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“How I wish I had a relationship with my other vendors like I do with my Studies Weekly representative and support personnel. They are literally THE BEST, which is why I have recommended that other districts try the product. I know they will be as happy with their Studies Weekly experience as we are.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“Studies Weekly doesn’t try and hide the fact that they are trying to grow, they are trying to build, and they are trying to do better. We are guinea pigs in some of these cases. [They ask] ‘What would help you guys? What would make this a better product? What can we do to be better for your classrooms or your district level?’ [Studies Weekly] is always wanting to try and do better.”

Curriculum Director, CA

“It has been an amazing experience to work with our Studies Weekly team throughout these past few years. Due to the great communication, logistics, and excellent packaging and labeling of all materials, the turnaround time for Twin Rivers Staff to process this has decreased every year and has made this a great experience. Thank you very much!”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“Working with Studies Weekly has been an absolute pleasure. Their commitment to excellent service is unmatched. Whenever I’ve needed assistance, they’ve been ready and eager to help, and their response time consistently surprised me — in the best possible way. What truly sets them apart is their dedication to nurturing partnerships. They go above and beyond by regularly checking in and sharing crucial updates, fostering a sense of collaboration and support that’s invaluable. Overall, my experience with Studies Weekly has been exceptional. They’ve not only provided top-notch service but also built a relationship founded on trust, support, and a shared passion for education.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“Studies Weekly has definitely been a game changer for our inclusion classrooms and with our EL students. Teachers have an easier time addressing student needs when they are trying to deliver the content. It also helps our students use their strategies of reading with these news articles.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“The curriculum has definitely exceeded our expectations! We have seen such growth in our non-fictional text comprehension, and we contribute some of our gains to using Studies Weekly with all students!”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“The comprehension piece in Studies Weekly – when students answer questions about what they read – is huge! Another part of that is being able to enhance comprehension and relate it to what they are reading to real life.” 

Coordinator for Social Studies, TX

“Studies Weekly in Spanish is an excellent resource to engage and support our EL students!”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“I do feel like you can get a lot of blended cross-curricular things with the Studies Weekly. So, if my kid wasn’t really into English that day, we could tie English into Social Studies!”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“With the reading component, even our Reading and ELA teachers can look into Studies Weekly and use the content, which is informational text. They are still reading, and it is very good information for our teachers and students.”

4th Grade Teacher, FL

“I have been teaching with Studies Weekly for many years. The curriculum is great for teaching nonfiction text and strengthening how to find answers to specific questions in nonfiction text.”

3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“I love the activities on the last page of the newspaper. These activities are great for review of the week, but also provide me with different options for taking grades. The activities allow for discussion, writing, analyzing, and problem solving. These are all things students need to practice and Studies Weekly gives many options here!”

Coordinator of Social Studies, MD

“We are aware that there are only so many minutes in the day, and we are never going to win the war between ELA and math. I’m done trying. But to see where [Studies Weekly] can fit, match, and emphasize – particularly in those younger grades – I think is the best we can hope for. Until we really appreciate social studies and realize it can be the whole lesson!”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] provides engaging nonfiction texts for students. And it’s a great resource for the teachers who need those supplemental things.” 

Director of Bilingual Education, FL

“Studies Weekly is a fabulous resource used by all our One-Way Dual language teachers. The articles and books are used in our Interdisciplinary thematic biliteracy Units of instruction. The ability to find Spanish and English literature for all diverse students is an added bonus that Studies Weekly provides to all our staff. We give Studies Weekly an A+.”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“The integration of our state ELA and social studies standards makes efficient use of classroom time as students utilize the unique newspaper style resource for practicing non-fiction reading and comprehension strategies. Having both the online and paper resources allows teachers to vary their instruction, getting hands-on with marking texts or doing cutting and sorting activities with the paper, or pushing out quizzes and comprehension checks online.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“We really have to teach them how to write concisely, technically, and accurately using the evidence. So having those elements and components in the Studies Weekly curriculum really does drive us to use it, because you are really working towards success for the kids.”

4th Grade Teacher, OH

“The team at Studies Weekly has done an excellent job researching and integrating facts, details, and stories about Ohio with the major strands in social studies. The students enjoy completing the projects that help extend their learning. The online component provides students a variety of ways to experience the text. This is especially helpful because it allows those who are not reading at grade level to experience the same text and content as their peers.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“The program supports academic vocabulary development for all students, and the best part about it is that all students gain access to the content.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“It’s a great vocabulary builder, too! And I like that each student can have a paper copy of the magazine and use it to answer the weekly questions.”

Teacher, SC

“Elementary teachers have to skillfully use time and integrate subjects. Studies Weekly fits perfectly into my daily ELA small group rotation and can be used independently, due to its features.”

2nd Grade Teacher, MD

“If I give [students] a Quick Write from Studies Weekly they are on it! They’re excited about it. They will write more for me. They add pictures, and they label the pictures. It’s that buy in. Everything is so engaging, they feel like, ‘Okay, I can do this. I can handle this. It’s not a long book and I can do this,’ and that’s huge.”

Teacher, CA

“The weekly publications are a nice change of pace from a regular textbook for both the students and our teachers. We love that students are able to write and annotate directly on the text of the articles to support the teaching of critical reading skills. Their balanced literacy approach makes it so simple to integrate many of the ELA standards through informational text to maximize instructional time and student learning. The online platform offers text to speech, additional resources that don’t take up our cupboard space, engaging videos and interviews, and so much more. I personally love that Studies Weekly’s staff is open to feedback and consistently works to add new features that make the online experience even better and easier to use!”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“Students are engaged and want to complete the work because it comes in magazine form. Students also enjoy the online component and how it reads the articles to them.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“Because we only have 20-30 minutes to do SS each day, I use the article read-aloud option frequently to save time and cover more material in my SS block.”

Teacher, FL

“The lesson plans make teaching a breeze. The videos that are linked make planning so much easier and shorter. I LOVE having the extra review worksheets that I don’t have to go searching for. They have extra projects that make learning more fun and dynamic. I love everything about the Studies Weekly website in general!”

Teacher, AL

“I find the technological components of the program to be valuable. Teachers are able to readily find lessons and implement them by using the user-friendly program.”

6th Grade Teacher, NC

“I value the printed magazines the most. My students love being able to hold the magazine as they are reading. It is very easy, and we have been using it for a very long time.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Digital learning [with Studies Weekly Online] is important because we know our students are 21st-century learners. We’ve got to get them ready for jobs and college life. That’s what it’s all about.”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“I’m also a fan of the Studies Weekly Online platform. That’s one of the really cool services you guys provide — especially for our diverse students. We have emergent bilinguals that need those language accommodations, and so do our dyslexic students, special ed., etc.”

Assistant Superintendent, TX

“One feature that we love is the online component where they can read aloud the articles in the newspapers. That’s been huge.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“The students and I have really enjoyed the Studies Weekly.  The information is much more complete and interesting than the old SS program.  The students like the short reading passages, earning coins for their answers, and watching the video clips that explain vocabulary and concepts.  The newspaper version is nice and colorful, although the computer version with the questions for each section and the ability to highlight key concepts was great.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“I like Studies Weekly. The lessons are engaging with much richer content than the prior curriculum.

-Great combination of reading, videos, and hands-on materials.

-Highly motivating coins reward system for students built into the program.

-Platform is very user-friendly and simple to find assignments and grades.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“The students and I have really enjoyed the Studies Weekly.  The information is much more complete and interesting than the old SS program.  The students like the short reading passages, earning coins for their answers, and watching the video clips that explain vocabulary and concepts.  The newspaper version is nice and colorful, although the computer version with the questions for each section and the ability to highlight key concepts was great.”

Supervisor of Student Learning, LA

“In our district, we appreciate how Studies Weekly has provided us with developmentally appropriate social studies source documents for our K-2 students.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“From time to time, I will assign something on [Studies Weekly Online], which I think is really cool, especially for nontraditional learning like we had to do during COVID. If we are out for snow days, I can assign a lesson on the online platform. They already know how to get on that.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“One of the really engaging activities is collecting coins. They love collecting coins for answering questions, which makes them feel good about their reading. Those assignments are awesome.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“My favorite feature is the online read-aloud function! I co-teach, which means I have many students with a reading disability, and this function helps them as well as my audio learners.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“[Studies Weekly] is very structured and keeps the students engaged. As a teacher, it is easy for me to follow along with. The materials are easily available, and the preparation is quick.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“I am a fourth grade teacher and I teach social studies. I have been using Studies Weekly and I absolutely love it, and my students do too! It keeps everyone so engaged and my students have learned so well with this program. There are so many neat features on the website that I love to explore. I also appreciate it coming with the newspapers that my students are eager to learn from every day!”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly is very straightforward. All of the resources you need are online and any handouts are included in the printed copy of the lesson plans. It is very easy to look ahead and read ahead to get everything set to hand to students.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“From time to time, I will assign something on [Studies Weekly Online] which I think is really cool, especially for nontraditional learning like we had to do during COVID. If we are out for snow days, I can assign a lesson on the online platform. They already know how to get on that.”

1st Grade Teacher, CA

“First of all, I love using Studies Weekly with my class.  Here are some of the reasons why:

*Students friendly and engaging

*Easy to access for students on Clever (especially for Kids learning from home) *Easy to assign to students

*Videos are wonderful, and kids love listening to the stories being read to them *Students love to collect “coins”

*No printing/copies necessary (all online)-teachers can make copies if they want to.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“I like Studies Weekly.

-The lessons are engaging with much richer content than the prior curriculum.

-Great combination of reading, videos, and hands-on materials.

-A highly motivating coins reward system for students built into the program.

-The Platform is very user-friendly and simple to find assignments and grades.”

Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, K-12, TX

“Our district uses not only the print materials from Studies Weekly, but we also engage our students with the variety of targeted digital materials that Studies Weekly provides for holidays and events such as Veteran’s Day and Presidential elections.”

Teacher, NC

“I love that [Studies Weekly] has the option to read aloud. If students need to work independently, those struggling readers are still able to participate and get their work done.”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“A very cool feature that we started using was training on the customized content [in Studies Weekly Online]. It’s mimicking our STAAR test items. So we can give the students fill-in or open-response questions. That’s something that teachers enjoy.”

2nd Grade Teacher, MD

“We’re trying to get the kids more comfortable with technology. Because everything is so user-friendly the kids feel very comfortable with it. They don’t feel overwhelmed by it or scared of it.”

Teacher, SC

“Students put on headphones and are engaged. When we come back together as a group, they easily connect their lessons to what we are discussing.”

Student Services Technician, CA

“As a staff member I get a lot of feedback from parents, and they are always positive. Parents and students both seem to really enjoy online content in each subject. I think Studies Weekly is a wonderful addition to our curriculum choices.”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“Studies Weekly has been an engaging tool for our students. It’s really cool as a reading tool as well. And you could technically use it for cross-grades and cross-multiple. So, even though second grade resources might be at a different level, I could use it with my fourth grader at a different year and just build off of what I want to.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“When we did principal training two weeks ago, they were blown away by the newspapers. When we displayed the digital version, the colors are so embracing, they look wonderful on the screen. A lot of times, I’ll go into the classroom, and they’ll just have one of the pages of the children’s edition up, which is cool.”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly is the program teachers have been looking for to efficiently plan and engage students! The digital and paper resources give teachers the freedom to create activities for in-person and remote instruction. Our teachers love the flexibility of the unit structures. Weekly planning involves numerous choices for the presentation of materials through various modalities ready to support the needs of every student. The program includes graphic organizers, projects, and videos to support a teacher’s instructional planning. The assessment features give teachers the ability to run reports to see students working with their content. Formative assessments give our planning the direction for the next steps. Studies Weekly makes it simple to run a report and get a pulse on each student’s learning. The integration with Google Classroom allows our teachers to communicate with students for assignments and feedback.”

Curriculum Supervisor, PA

“As part of our curriculum review process, our District was looking for a new Social Studies resource that provided both online and hands-on materials. Specifically, in grade 4, we needed to ensure that Pennsylvania content was available. Studies Weekly provided the resources we were looking for and had the Pennsylvania content. The most appealing feature is that students have the stories in newspaper format, which they prefer over a textbook. They can interact with it online or on paper. The online features allow students to highlight, underline, and circle which reinforces the information taught in class. In addition, teachers like the online quizzes and incentives for students. We are in year one of our adoption, and some technical questions have come up. Studies Weekly has supported and responded in a timely manner to address our needs. All in all, we have been pleased with the resource and support thus far.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“We love the videos, it really helps them to ‘see’ history and understand it better.”

Teacher, SC

“It took me about 10 minutes to learn to navigate the [Studies Weekly Online] dashboard and get a feel for the features. When I couldn’t figure out something on my own, I emailed my representative and had a virtual training the same day!”

Instructional Coach, FL

“It’s extremely easy and user-friendly to implement.”

6th Grade Teacher, NC

“The most valuable aspect is the quizzes to check for student understanding!”

Teacher, AL

“I like that the articles are read aloud. I teach this three times a day, and being able to listen to parts of the article, and then pause them to further explain helps me as a teacher. Also, when students are given an independent assignment to reread an article, the students who struggle reading can listen to it as well. I like the videos and images that are included with many of the articles.”

Curriculum Supervisor, PA

“As part of our curriculum review process, our District was looking for a new Social Studies resource that provided both online and hands-on materials. Specifically, in grade 4, we needed to ensure that Pennsylvania content was available. Studies Weekly provided the resources we were looking for and had the Pennsylvania content.

The most appealing feature is that students have the stories in newspaper format, which they prefer over a textbook. They can interact with it online or on paper. The online features allow students to highlight, underline, and circle which reinforces the information taught in class. In addition, teachers like the online quizzes and incentives for students.

We are in year one of our adoption and some technical questions have come up. Studies Weekly has supported and responded in a timely manner to address our needs. All in all, we have been pleased with the resource and support thus far.”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly provides me with an effective way to teach social studies. I use it to enhance my lessons and incorporate technology.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“It’s been an interesting year for us here in our district. Our accreditation process has helped us to focus in a lot more on things that we have access to, and I’m looking forward to the great things that come out of this for years to come with our digital learning and using Studies Weekly to help meet that.”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly is the program teachers have been looking for to efficiently plan and engage students! The digital and paper resources give teachers the freedom to create activities for in-person and remote instruction. Our teachers love the flexibility of the unit structures. Weekly planning involves numerous choices for the presentation of materials through various modalities ready to support the needs of every student.

The program includes graphic organizers, projects, and videos to support a teacher’s instructional planning. The assessment features give teachers the ability to run reports to see students working with their content. Formative assessments give our planning the direction for next steps. Studies Weekly makes it simple to run a report and get a pulse on each student’s learning. The integration with Google Classroom allows our teachers to communicate with students for assignments and feedback.”

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“The program is well written and engaging and the students like the interactive material.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“Our students love Studies Weekly because they are able to play the clips and the text is read to them as well. Those who have difficulty accessing grade level content are so appreciative of this feature because they have immediate access to the content and their reading levels do not limit their access to the non-fiction content!”

2nd Grade Teacher, CA

“I REALLY like Social Studies Weekly!  The kids are excited about the content, and the lesson can be completed in a timely manner.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“We really want our students to lead discussions and meet high expectations and standards on their own. Studies Weekly can be a part of that because it is rigorous and it lets them use 21st-century skills for research purposes.”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“I love that students can read to learn, show their learning responses, and then take them home to their families.”

Teacher, AL

“I have noticed that students like to discuss with me as I compare the articles to how things are today and discuss why and how things are the way they are today.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] has multi-grade capability with it and it’s tangible, which homeschool families love. They love something to hold onto and they can read it together as a family.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Studies Weekly makes our students be active. When Miss Betsy from the Professional Development team came this summer, the light bulb went on for some of our teachers. A lot of them honestly have been afraid of the technology. They were pretty much relying on the newspaper itself instead of the digital side of things. We know that all digital is not good, but all print is not good either. There’s got to be a happy medium between the two. Active learning encourages our kids to apply tech skills and digital literacy that keeps them engaged.”

3rd Grade Teacher, OH

“My class seems to enjoy the economics lessons most. I like the primary and secondary source practice.”

Teacher, TX

“When I started Studies Weekly, the students got more involved. I think everyone should at least give it a try. I’m sure they will get hooked on it.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“The students absolutely love the newspapers. It takes complicated material and puts it in a way that they can understand and enjoy. They then like to take them home and share them with their family!”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“We had some feedback and the student said, “My grandpa reads their newspaper on Sunday,” so this little one brings out his newspaper and it’s really cute!”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“More students are engaged with [Studies Weekly] content. Students are able to stay on certain sections or go back and listen. They are also able to follow along in the printed text as well.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teacher, LA

“My students love the option to earn coins on the Studies Weekly website by answering questions correctly. Then, they love to spend the coins on fun things on the website. I love that they have an incentive to answer the questions we would answer anyway! They also love the crosswords and misspelled games online.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“If you don’t have as much time in the class as I do, even if you just have 15 minutes, you still have the little newspaper. They can go through that, they can cut that up, and they can put it in a journal. You can still have a very successful lesson. If you want to draw it out for a week or so, then all the printables are online.”

1st Grade Teacher, CA

“I really enjoyed the Studies Weekly curriculum. It was effective and engaging for our students. The students really understood the text as it was written. It also had adjustable reading levels for each text. The magazines were fun for the kids, too! This is wonderful as far as space goes because it doesn’t take up any room in their already packed desks. It makes it easy for the students to follow along, especially for the younger students who have a hard time finding page numbers in big books. The google classroom link makes it easy to assign for our distance learners. Also, it asks comprehension questions at the end of each online assignment so no copying or sending home textbooks is required. I really enjoyed this curriculum and found it would be a great addition for our younger students.”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“For my first grader he’s going to see sight words. He’s going to be seeing some words that maybe he doesn’t know how to sound out yet. There are so many cool things!”

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“Our students love Studies Weekly because the magazines are fun and interesting! It keeps the students engaged in positive ways, and they are learning so much!”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“The students enjoy taking the papers home to read with their families.”

Teacher, SC

“Students like highlighting and having the option of being read to. The teacher tasks are simple with easy lesson assignments, objective assessments graded for me, and flexibility with timing.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“The online version is very colorful, has sound, and offers a game to win points — it’s very engaging.”

Teacher, FL

“The students get excited to learn from the user-friendly student edition online or with the print. They provide you with fun learning games that give the kiddos incentive to learn the material and do well with their schoolwork.”

Teacher, FL

“Students love being able to participate and use the different functions. They get excited for the games that are offered.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“[Students] love having their newspapers. They feel like grown-ups, and they almost argue about who gets to pass them out each day! We have our own routine with putting our names and dates on them and things like that. That way, we know what day we did certain pages in them. I use all of the printables that are online and in the teacher resources.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“I went into a 2nd grade classroom about two months after we had the product [Explore Science], and kids were singing a phenomenon song – that hadn’t happened before this year. And it’s been a really good thing to have that in the teacher’s hands.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“For the little kids, they’ll be looking at the photos, hearing the stories, getting the content and details, and being able to think critically.”

2nd Grade Teacher, CA

“I REALLY like Social Studies Weekly!  The kids are excited about the content, and the lesson can be completed in a timely manner.”

Teacher, NC

“I have seen Studies Weekly from grades 3-5, and I like the way it changes to allow students to engage with it and understand those tricky historical or economical concepts. My students love to see how many coins they can earn, and that motivates them to try their best.”

5th Grade Teacher, IL

“My students and I are enjoying Studies Weekly. The lessons are designed to keep the interest of students without being too wordy. The quizzes after each lesson are extremely helpful to reinforce key ideas. Students seem to love earning the coins as well. Thanks for creating such a thoughtful program around government and civics education.”

5th Grade Teacher, NJ

“Using Studies Weekly as my primary Social Studies curriculum has made it really easy to assign work digitally. After the first week, students got into a groove of reading the material, watching the videos, and answering the test questions by going back to the text. It has been perfect for my struggling learners and special education students because of all the read-to-me features included. I have received positive feedback from both students and parents. They love to answer questions and earn coins. The videos are fabulous and I have used them in class as well. Just recently, I started using some of the graphic organizers and I’m finding them to be very effective.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“The kids get so much more out of inquiry-based learning that I’ve noticed. I saw that when I was the gifted education teacher, they love stuff like that. So I love it.”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“I have used Social Studies Weekly magazines with my 1st grade students for several years. I love how the magazines help to guide teaching and discussion in the classroom. Students are able to see real life examples and photographs that help them to make sense of and relate to the state standards that are being taught. Students are then given the opportunity to apply their learning on the last page of the magazine. I love that students are able to consumable magazines home to share their learning with their families.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teachers

As gifted teachers, we love the extra extension activities that come with some of the lessons. The research projects, presentations, games, etc. that we get to do, extend our learning, make the lessons more engaging, and allow my students to dig deeper. One of the ones we really loved was the social media profile for a Greek God/Goddess!”

3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“Studies Weekly gave me a resource for teaching standards that I wasn’t sure how to tackle. It provides appropriate texts that are engaging and rigorous. It provides students opportunities to apply what they are learning in ELA class to texts in Social Studies.“

Academic Coach and Teacher, HI

“We ordered [Studies Weekly] because it is a high engagement resource for implementing the new QFT strategy around inquiry based learning”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“You have your weekly assessments in English and in Spanish that mimic the reading STARR 2.0 question types. The interviews and videos are so easy to include in a lesson plan and a lot of those videos are in Spanish as well.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

”We wanted to find a product that we could fit in with our standards – that was teaching the terminology and vocabulary that we’re looking for, especially in science. Our state is phenomenon-driven for science and that’s what Studies Weekly is.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“For STAAR we’re not giving you poetry and little fairy tales to read anymore on the assessment, you’re getting informational text, nonfiction, and we need you to approach it as a good reader. So having that historical background, the understanding of what’s going on in the story, the children can then do a better job.”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“[Studies Weekly Teacher Edition] It has your lesson plans. It has your academic vocabulary there, any online resources that you might include, and then it has your assessment questions. They are so critical to measuring student mastery.”

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“I absolutely love Studies Weekly! The fact that it is standards-aligned is very helpful. It helps me to stay on pace with my students (I tend to nerd out). I love that the text is rigorous and leads to great discussions. My students love both the print and digital formats, videos, and engaging articles.”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly has helped my instruction by giving me a curriculum that follows the Alabama Course of Study: Social Studies. It is a thorough and updated sequence of events all about how Alabama came to be, as well as important current events.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“[Studies Weekly] makes planning easier and goes along with our standards!”

3rd Grade Teacher, KY

“Speaking as someone who helped revise the Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies, I am very pleased as to how closely aligned to the standards the new Kentucky edition is! I love the opportunities the students have to not only answer questions but to ask questions as well. I also love the opportunities to take action that the new edition includes.”

4th Grade Teacher, FL

“The redesigned material for the Florida Weekly Studies is (in my opinion) structured better with the new units. As a teacher, I love that the Studies Weekly curriculum covers all necessary standards. Students enjoy the material and supporting videos.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Now, education is extremely difficult. And I think it’s important for teachers to know how to use their resources wisely. One thing that we’re working on in our district is Cognia Accreditation. We’re going through district-wide accreditation and I am that guy. I’ve led our district with the help of our central office employees, our school principals, and their leadership teams, to do some self-assessments. This is where Studies Weekly has been a big talking point for us.”

Teacher, SC

“What a great way to squeeze in Social Studies when timing is a struggle! You can also easily comply with IEP accommodations and get a variety of grades.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“It is an easy, interactive, fun program for students to use to learn CCSS in science and social studies. The program meets the expectations of ease of use to help students learn concepts in a fun format.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“[Studies Weekly] has provided an easy way to teach the CCSS through an easy magazine format that allows teachers to teach concepts in a condensed version, using visual graphics and videos.”

Teacher, FL

“It makes teaching easy. You have all the things you need right in front of you and can utilize them. It has a read-aloud function that helps my ESE [Exceptional Student Education] students.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teacher, LA

“Previously, I was pulling together activities and resources from all over the place to meet my standards. With Studies Weekly, everything is together in one place — so easy to implement!”

Principal. WI

“Rebecca was amazing with the Studies Weekly training on June 6. We all learned a great deal about the resources available for science and social studies K-5. Thank you for your fun and participatory presentations and collaboration.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“When I started the adventure with [Studies Weekly] PD and Betsy Glisson, I knew I wanted it to be grade-specific, and she agreed to it – to me, that’s a lot of flexibility.“ 

Social Studies Program Manager, LA

“Amanda Die has provided amazing support to our district. Her knowledge of social studies and her commitment to providing a quality product is exceptional. In discussing the upcoming changes in our social studies standards, I realized how much time, effort, and research Amanda puts in to make sure Studies Weekly provides an excellent curriculum for our students!”

5th Grade Teacher, FL

“I wanted to thank you for your training for Clay County Florida for Social Studies. I had no idea what all I could do with these publications! Thank you for taking the time to prepare, to motivate us and especially take home something we created and could USE in our classrooms. YOU are an amazing trainer and your teacher’s heart was built into everything you taught us!”

Coordinator of Social Studies

“I stumbled across Studies Weekly and reached out to Sheldon, and I was like ‘what are you, what are you guys doing?’ And that was kind of it! Sheldon was real smart and put Betsy right in front of me, and we were talking and she said ‘We have social studies for 6 minutes ad 17 seconds, because that is what teachers have time for.'”

Assistant Principal, FL

“I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much our teachers loved your training. They were raving about all the resources that they never used because they simply didn’t know the endless possibilities. Thank you for the lively morning — they definitely left with their wheels turning and are excited to implement new ideas this year!”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Studies Weekly makes our students be active. When Miss Betsy from the Product Development team came this summer, the light bulb went on for some of our teachers. A lot of them honestly have been afraid of the technology. They were pretty much relying on the newspaper itself instead of the digital side of things. We know that all digital is not good, but all print is not good either. There’s got to be a happy medium between the two. Active learning encourages our kids to apply tech skills and digital literacy that keeps them engaged.”

5th Grade Teacher, FL

[My PD Trainer’s] skills as a trainer and teacher with patience, encouragement, and group interaction are some of the best I’ve seen. This training was fantastic!”

Teacher, NC

“I have always loved Studies Weekly. It was the best PD I ever went to as a teacher and I have wanted to work for you guys ever since. It was really such a fun and engaging training”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“We brought Betsy up to Kentucky. My first introduction to her was with the teachers. We were in the library, and I said, ‘Listen, you don’t have to hide your accent around Betsy; she’s just like us.’ That was real fun, her relationships with the teachers. I don’t know how frequently they email her, but I’ll tell them, ‘You’re more likely to get a response, a correct response, from Betsy than you will from me.'”


Instructional Coordinator, TX

“The delivery system of the content as opposed to a big boring text is great. And the colors and the pictures are vibrant, and they really stand out!”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“It is nice not to have another textbook/workbook. Students can annotate the articles, write answers to the activities, and complete the crossword puzzle. There are a lot of good online resources, too.”

Lead District Coordinator, HI

“We did not have a formal Character Development program so we ordered materials that dealt with feelings and emotions. I was visiting a rural A+ site when I observed the Site Coordinator teaching a lesson from Studies Weekly Well-Being Program. I was impressed with the curriculum and decided to pursue it for the following school year.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“If you want a curriculum that feeds children information about the world around them in a way that is kid-friendly, Studies Weekly would be a curriculum to use, and it’s affordable. When it comes to the teachers, it is a curriculum they can pick up and use quickly without needing six hours of PD.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“We never had much of a social studies curriculum at our school. I had one set of big books (5 units) and very little resources to go along with it. Studies Weekly has changed my outlook on history (I never enjoyed teaching it before). It is simple to follow as a teacher and fun to teach!”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“What is most valuable to me is the lesson plans. After teaching for 25 years, it is nice that someone else has put in the hard work! They are step-by-step and very easy to follow.”

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“The curriculum has helped us to have a more focused approach in social studies.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“Everything is technology-based now, so it is nice to have tangible materials.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“The content and the curriculum, that piece is very engaging. You could use it as the core curriculum. You could use it to supplement. It’s very kid-friendly and it’s very homeschool-friendly too. And so I would say, for someone who might not have a lot of background or knowledge in homeschooling, and this might be the first time, this would be a wonderful tool, because it lays it all out for you.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] has multi-grade capability with it and it’s tangible, which homeschool families love. They love something to hold onto and they can read it together as a family.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“I love that the articles are short and concise — with so many attention issues, these help keep the students focused. We answer the questions in game format; a contestant can ask a friend for help when confused or unsure. My whole class loves earning coins.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teacher, LA

“I’m already begging my district to repurchase it for next year! I would tell someone it’s a no-brainer. Everything you need is ready to go — including lessons, activities, tests, answer keys, teacher guides, and more! Another great thing is all of this is available in print AND online! Students find it engaging, and teachers find it easy to implement.”

Teacher, AL

“[Studies Weekly] provides a variety of methodologies and components to help teachers reach all different levels of learners. It enforces the pedagogy needed to make lessons manageable and meaningful.”

Assistant Superintendent, CA

“Studies Weekly has provided our teachers with an effective and easy way to teach their social studies and science standards to students in kindergarten through the sixth grade. The weekly curriculum has a variety of topics, digital support, and activities to use for quality student engagement. Our teachers love the primary sources too! They are able to engage their students in meaningful activities and discussions with a user-friendly approach. Studies Weekly has also provided our schools with information about the weeks that have content which is in conflict with our faith. Teachers can just use the online resources for those weeks with their students. Our teachers and their students love learning with Studies Weekly.”

5th Grade Teacher, TX

“Social Studies Weekly has allowed me to seamlessly integrate social studies into my reading and writing lessons! My “Students of Liberty” look forward to reading these weekly publications and sharing what they’ve learned. As a teacher, I appreciate how the units are organized and aligned to our curriculum. I highly recommend this resource!”

Coordinator for Social Studies, TX

“It’s particular to our kids and living here, and I like that I can be assured that I’m hitting all those main standards.”

6th Grade Teacher, GA

“I LOVE the depth and complexity of activities and prompts to offer to my gifted students. Often I provide them with an independent study based on those suggestions since they can read and understand the newspaper so quickly and easily.”

1st Grade Teacher, CA

“I really enjoyed the Studies Weekly curriculum. It was effective and engaging for our students. The students really understood the text as it was written. It also had adjustable reading levels for each text. The magazines were fun for the kids, too! This is wonderful as far as space goes because it doesn’t take up any room in their already packed desks. It makes it easy for the students to follow along, especially for the younger students who have a hard time finding page numbers in big books. The google classroom link makes it easy to assign for our distance learners. Also, it asks comprehension questions at the end of each online assignment so no copying or sending home textbooks is required. I really enjoyed this curriculum and found it would be a great addition for our younger students.”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“The use of Studies Weekly in our school district has helped elevate the teaching of social studies in the elementary grades. Elementary teachers are expected to be knowledgeable in so many areas but are often less confident in their social studies expertise than their reading, writing, and math expertise. Studies Weekly provides content knowledge for teachers and students in an easy-to-use way.“

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“The resources that [Studies Weekly] gives go above and beyond the daily routine. If the teachers are looking at the resources, they can find a wealth of different readings for the kids and writing opportunities.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“We love the magazines and being able to utilize them for partner work. Students are able to dive deeper into a topic, depending on what they are learning. I love the detailed lesson plans that accompany the magazines.”

Teacher, FL

“With Studies Weekly, I always have what I need to teach my classes effectively. They have so many options and resources that are such a wonderful help in the classroom. They make learning fun, relatable, more hands-on for the students to keep growing year after year. The students get excited to learn from the user-friendly student edition online or with the print. They provide you with fun learning games that give the kiddos incentive to learn the material and do well with their schoolwork. The staff have helped me with any online issues I have had.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“If you don’t have as much time in the class as I do, even if you just have 15 minutes, you still have the little newspaper. They can go through that, they can cut that up, and they can put it in a journal. You can still have a very successful lesson. If you want to draw it out for a week or so, then all the printables are online.”

Teacher, FL

“[Studies Weekly] pushes me to make learning more hands-on. It helps me stay prepared for class every day with minimal preparation.”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“I like the papers that the students can complete at school, and they can take them home to read them later. I also like the videos in the online component.”

Teacher, FL

“I’ve had to search for extra resources with other books and curriculum. With Studies Weekly, I don’t have to.”

3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“Implementing the curriculum is super easy! The teacher manuals are easily understandable and can be taught with minimal prework. Newspapers can be organized easily and are set up in a user-friendly way!”

2nd Grade Teacher, MD

“I’ve been teaching for 26 years and I’ve never really had a social studies curriculum that works as well as this one does, and it is so nicely aligned with what we’re doing in reading and in science. That’s one of the things I love about it. It’s so accessible for all of the kids. I love the technology component. I love the materials that they’re using, and the kids really enjoy it.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] has what you need. It’s got the color, it’s got it all mapped out for you. It’s got the planning for you on it, and then it’s just little tweaks here and there. It’s a great homeschool resource!”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“I also enjoy the resources, such as the interviews or the videos. They are so easy to include in a lesson plan, and a lot of those videos, you already have them in Spanish as well. So that’s another great feature that you guys provide.”

Teacher, AL

“My students have LOVED the online portion of the videos and newspaper! They always look forward to social studies because of the newspaper and its layout.”

Teacher, AZ

“The best part about Studies Weekly is having access to historical information written at a student’s reading level. Often times historians do not write in a way that preteens could grasp, I really like having a resource that is understandable and approachable for my students.”

Teacher, CA

“The weekly publications are a nice change of pace from a regular textbook for both the students and our teachers. We love that students are able to write and annotate directly on the text of the articles to support the teaching of critical reading skills.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“The content and the curriculum, that piece is very engaging. You could use it as the core curriculum. You could use it to supplement. It’s very kid-friendly and it’s very homeschool-friendly too. And so I would say, for someone who might not have a lot of background or knowledge in homeschooling, and this might be the first time, this would be a wonderful tool, because it lays it all out for you.”

Social Studies Teacher Development Specialist, TX

“‘Digging Deep into Informational Text with Social Studies is crucial!’ as an educator of 32 years, I stand by my quote. Working in the largest urban school district in the state of Texas, Studies Weekly provides the academic opportunities for students to obtain concise informational text from the classroom community to the global community right at their fingertips.”

4th Grade Teacher, OH

“I greatly appreciate, like, and use the teacher supplement. The supplement is diverse and differentiated. There are many suggestions and ideas to choose from that will work for my diverse and unique classes.”

2nd Grade Teacher, TN

“I do like the supplement worksheets a lot, and I am able to take grades for those. I feel like they allow for critical thinking without straying too far from the content in the magazine. Thank you for your time and for making me feel like my opinion matters.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“Thanks for creating a resource with print and digital options!”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“Studies Weekly makes planning and teaching simple!”

6th Grade Teacher, NC

“Buy it! Get the PTA to fund it if your district won’t.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“[Studies Weekly] is student-friendly, has relevant topics, and you can use it alone or add to it. It’s aligned to the standards. It has lots of support & extension materials and opportunities to tie into real-world issues.”

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“The curriculum has helped us to make sure that our instruction is focused. Implementing it is easy, as you can follow the program that is provided.”

3rd Grade Teacher, KY

“I love the focus on inquiry and the use of compelling and supporting questions! This program pushes young learners to not only answer questions about social studies but ask them as well! It also encourages young citizens to take action in their communities. Used effectively, the social studies classroom becomes more than an environment to ‘sit and get’!”

Account Clerk, HI

“We chose to purchase Studies Weekly because we’ve noticed when our leaders within the program integrate the curriculum into their daily lesson plans the students are excited to participate and fully engaged with all the various activities provided with the booklets.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“[Studies Weekly] is easy to use, topics are relative to what is happening in our world today, and assessments and videos are provided.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“[Studies Weekly’s] curriculum is great and the newspaper is a conversational piece, it really is!”

Instructional Coach, FL

“Get it! The students will love it, you will love it, and it incorporates itself well with the curriculum.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“Our new principal was a former teacher and used [Studies Weekly] in his class. He enjoyed it so much that we started it this year. The benefits to using Studies Weekly is that there are detailed lessons, activities, and a fun newspaper every week!”

Academic Coach, HI

“In the coming school year, we are excited to see students interact with a new format of text, as well as giving my teachers many tools to support their instruction. Built in videos, infographics, articles, etc will be great for our students to participate with.”

Teacher, FL

“The students get excited to learn from the user-friendly student edition online or with the print. They provide you with fun learning games that give the kiddos incentive to learn the material and do well with their schoolwork.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“I love that I don’t have to write lesson plans! They are already there, and they are pretty. I don’t even have to copy them because it comes in the shrink wrap right out of the box. I just put it in a binder. If anyone comes by my class and wants to know what I’m teaching that week, I can just show them my binder.”

Coordinator of Social Studies, MD

“It’s amazing to me that a company exists that does something pragmatic. It’s not something we do in education often. I think we feel like our content is THE most important, and of course, ours is, but I think having all the adults come to the table and go like, ‘We only have so many minutes, and we can get it all in!’ It’s a powerful message to be sending.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“The K-2, for us, was something that, no matter if you are self-contained or if you are departmentalized in a school, I wanted to know if this is something easy to roll out. Am I going to have to put in and log 2 hours the night before to get ready for this lesson that I might only spend 30 minutes on the next day? We wanted an ease of access for our teachers. We wanted it to be student-friendly, which it is.”

Teacher, CA

“The Studies Weekly team has been excellent in the sales, technology support, communication, and delivery of an outstanding Social Studies Curriculum designed specifically for our California History Social Science Framework and content standards. The Studies Weekly experts value customer input and concerns, and they are ready to positively respond. Innovation and service continue to be a company priority.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“When I came into this position, we had funding through ESSER that allowed us to update resources in K-12 Science and Social Studies. I pulled in team leads, teacher leads, and some principals and we started looking at different resources available. I was searching the web and stumbled upon Studies Weekly. We had samples sent, and then we had a Spring District PLC where all teachers came together. I put together the different products, and had the rubric that we use to ensure that it was a high-quality resource for our state and that it would match what we needed to do in the classroom. I also invited some community members. Studies Weekly for K-2 was by far the most popular.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“[Explore Science] is fun for kids. Betsy mentioned this when she did her first training – that kids like this, they think they are reading the newspaper when they open these things, so the kids like that. It’s got labs, it’s got kits. That was a big selling point.”

4th Grade Teacher, OH

“Overall, I enjoy the primary source documents…these are the most important piece to teaching history!!!”

Teacher, FL

“I love that in the 5th grade unit the definitions are given, this is a major time saver as I teach 6 different subjects.”

Educator, SC

“One of the things that I really like about the Studies Weekly elementary health and safety materials is how accessible they are for teachers and students. It is oftentimes very hard to find time to fit health ed into the day but with the way it is presented in Studies Weekly, it is easy to jump right in to a given week’s lesson or readings for a few minutes here and a few minutes there and still know our students are engaging with quality health and safety materials.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“Studies Weekly got it right. Minimize the lift and the carry.”

3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“I wasn’t sure what to expect, but once I saw the curriculum and started teaching it, I was pleasantly surprised and excited! The curriculum teaches my standards well and does it in a way that students can understand and relate to.“

1st Grade Teacher, KY

“This is my 24th year teaching and this is the best science program I’ve ever used before. You can do so many hands-on things with it. The terminology is awesome for kids. It’s easy for teachers. You can follow along, you can put more ideas out and it turns into a much longer lesson because you see the kids being so much more engaged. They’re taking all of these hands-on materials and they’re relating to other things.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“For the time that we devote in elementary, it’s a really good use of time. The writing is just right, the level of writing and the level of reading is correct for that. It’s age appropriate, and grade appropriate.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“For the past many years we haven’t had a great social studies curriculum, but this year we started with Studies Weekly and I absolutely love it. It’s amazing, and even I’m learning a lot. So, thank you so much for everything!”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“I would tell educators to try this version of learning through a newspaper and how it can connect to various subjects and project ideas.”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly breaks down the information into smaller chunks. It is very easy to follow the lessons.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“It is easy to use and does not require much time to sit and plan for lessons. Everything is right there for you.”

Vice Principal, CT

“Studies Weekly has provided our students with content that is meaningful and easy to understand. The provided resources are attention-grabbing and the technology component provides another layer of teaching opportunity. Studies Weekly has been a great addition to our daily curriculum!”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“It’s a great supplemental tool if you have a curriculum already in mind that you feel is your go-to, but you just, every once in a while you need something different and new, Studies Weekly would be perfect.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“Before this year, if I had a teacher who wanted to do a science experiment or science lab with kids, they were out at Walmart the night before at like 10:30 pm trying to assemble all the stuff that they needed. ‘I saw this there or I saw this off of Google,’ ‘I can do this lab,’ or ‘It fits with what I’m doing in the reading class,’ etc. But the kits are together now, and that’s the biggest thing for them.”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“It provides the resources and the substance that a parent without an educational background. It’s a bucket full of resources.”

District Lead Teacher for Social Studies, LA

“We implemented Studies Weekly district-wide for the first time at the end of 2019. We have had an overwhelmingly positive reaction from our teachers. First, Studies Weekly provides a solid content base for our students to use in order to complete rigorous activities in the LA Social Studies Scope and Sequence. Second, the consumable copy is a concept that the students enjoy. The visuals are great and the information is on grade-level and easy for students to comprehend.”

Assistant Superintendent, CA

“Studies Weekly has provided our teachers with an effective and easy way to teach their social studies and science standards to students in kindergarten through the sixth grade. The weekly curriculum has a variety of topics, digital support, and activities to use for quality student engagement. Our teachers love the primary sources too! They are able to engage their students in meaningful activities and discussions with a user friendly approach. Studies Weekly has also provided our schools with information about the weeks that have content which is in conflict with our faith. Teachers can just use the online resources for those weeks with their students. Our teachers and their students love learning with Studies Weekly.”

District Supervisor of Primary Schools, LA

“Studies Weekly provides primary source documents and a connection to reading in the content areas so that students can apply early literacy skills while increasing Social Studies content knowledge.”

2nd Grade Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly is very Teacher and Student friendly. Is engaging for the students and simple for the teachers to use. I enjoy that assessments are built-in and can be automatically graded.”

K-2 Curriculum Facilitator, LA

“Studies Weekly instructional design is highly motivating and engaging, which supports our scholars with retention of the information presented.”

Teacher, AL

“I truly LOVE the resource! I am glad to see the changes that took place this year. Keep up the good work!”

1st Grade Teacher, TX

“If I were to take the Texas Studies Weekly out of my curriculum, I would be very very lost.

2nd Grade Teacher, OH

“I do like the supplement worksheets a lot and I am able to take grades for those. I feel like they allow for critical thinking without straying too far from the content in the magazine. Thank you for your time and for making me feel like my opinion matters.”

Customer Support

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“My personal favorite feature is the astonishing delivery appearance upon arrival of Studies Weekly pallets! Our order shipped quickly, with zero problems. The pallets arrived individually wrapped and labeled by campus. The entire order was correct and BEAUTIFUL! The shipments from this company are so very detail-oriented, and I could not be more appreciative.”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“The customer service and support we have gotten is top notch. Questions, comments, and suggestions are truly listened to and used by the company on the product they are putting out. They truly want to know ways that teachers believe the product can be improved upon so that students walk away with the best experience possible.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“I feel that if I need something, I know exactly who to call, and I know the turnaround time is going to be quick, and I’ll get what I need.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“Chris has been my contact person since the beginning and we just hit it off really well, which is always nice. I don’t view vendors as a third party. I view it as a partnership and a relationship to set my kids up for success.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“I feel the employees at Studies Weekly who I’ve worked with, especially Kirby, are very accessible, and I think that’s huge! They have a ‘What can I do to serve you?’ attitude. I felt that in my first meeting, and it’s been that way ever since. If I call about something or have a question or concern, I feel the turnaround is very quick, and not only that, sometimes it’s more than what I asked for.”

Teacher, CA

“The Studies Weekly team has been excellent in the sales, technical support, communication, and delivery of an outstanding Social Studies Curriculum designed specifically for our California History Social Science Framework and content standards. The Studies Weekly experts value customer input and concerns, and they are ready to positively respond. Innovation and service continue to be a company priority.”

Curriculum Supervisor, TX

“Debbie Singson does an excellent job of taking care of my district’s needs. She needs a pay raise!”

Teacher, TX

“Keep doing what you are doing! Debbie Singson and her team are great!”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“I really love working with [Studies Weekly] and Brayden on supporting the implementation of this program for our school and teachers.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“You’ve all been very receptive to anything we’ve asked for, Danny’s been great at getting back to me in a really timely fashion, and it’s never a ‘No.’ It’s ‘Let’s see what we can do,’ and if it’s not possible, ‘How can we tweak it so that it is usable?’ It’s been really great.”

Social Studies Coordinator, NC

“I cannot possibly communicate how much working with all of you has meant to me. You showed such appreciation for my work and you treated me so kindly and professionally. I am forever grateful. I am so glad that we now have Studies Weekly in each of our elementary schools!! Our teachers have really appreciated it and they are using it for the betterment of our students. Thank you for everything it is an honor working with each of you.”

Teacher, FL

“I thoroughly enjoyed both the PD and recreational experiences provided by Studies Weekly. I even used a vocabulary strategy I learned while there in a vocabulary PD I put on this week! I appreciated the opportunity to be a part of the Summit.”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly customer support is the best I have worked with in many years! They are extremely responsive to all inquiries. Their willingness to customize training sessions for the varying needs of our teachers throughout the year is just what all districts need to succeed with teaching and learning. Each training we have received targeted exactly what teachers need to get started and enhance their social studies content. Studies Weekly even provides recorded, step-by-step professional development for every aspect of the program. Our district is excited to partner with Studies Weekly now and in the future!”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly customer support is the best. I have worked with them for many years! They are extremely responsive to all inquiries. Their willingness to customize training sessions for the varying needs of our teachers throughout the year is just what all districts need to succeed with teaching and learning. Each training we have received targeted exactly what teachers need to get started and enhance their social studies content. Studies Weekly even provides recorded, step-by-step professional development for every aspect of the program. Our district is excited to partner with Studies Weekly now and in the future!”

Curriculum Supervisor, GA

“Service and communication were excellent. Debbie Singson is awesome!”

Assistant Principal, TX

“Thanks for always being a beacon of light in the ugly world of materials-purchasing!”

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“I would like to thank Christina Spears for being the most helpful and gracious representative of Studies Weekly, that I proudly can call my friend! Christina goes above and beyond to make sure her districts are happy, and taken care of! Her cheerful attitude, great knowledge, and kind gestures make a wonderful example of this company.”

Director of Learning, NE

“The material quality (print and digital), the flexibility of the program, and the customer service we have received with Studies Weekly is top notch!”

Academic Coach and Teacher, HI

‘The ordering process has been a breeze and I have really enjoyed working with Brayden Bagley.”

Instructional Coach, FL

“Our representative, Tim, has been amazing with helping our school if and when we need it!”

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“You won’t regret working with the friendly and kind representatives, and the beautifully wrapped materials you’ll receive. The attention to detail ALONE that Studies Weekly provides has saved me so much time and frustration.”

School Administrator, LA

“Our school has done business with your company for several years. The students do grow and learn from the Studies Weekly.”

Teacher, TX

“I would not change a thing. From beginning to end, we felt like valuable customers. Being able to designate how my order was shipped was invaluable. It saved my warehouse and me so much time!”

Teacher, TN

“I can’t thank you enough for your support, amazing service and resources, hospitality, and friendly atmosphere that made the summit so enjoyable. I had a wonderful time learning, networking, and exploring Utah.”

Curriculum Coordinator, FL

“We are very pleased with the service we receive. Your support team is extremely responsive.”

Teacher, TX

“Oh my goodness! If others were as kind and helpful as your support staff the world would be a much better place. I do a lot more by myself now and it seems every year there’s some kind of jam up or drama happening around me. Not concerning you but from the job itself. Your staff has been so patient with me and sometimes explained things over again so I could understand and have helped me with “everything” I’ve needed, that means so much. Even when they probably wanted to pull their hair out or even mine they continued with great courteousness and respect and for sure with knowledge!!!! Anytime we had any kind of issues Studies Weekly has solved it, immediately! You are all Great!!! Thank You!!!!”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“How I wish I had a relationship with my other vendors like I do with my Studies Weekly representative and support personnel. They are literally THE BEST, which is why I have recommended that other districts try the product. I know they will be as happy with their Studies Weekly experience as we are.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“Studies Weekly doesn’t try and hide the fact that they are trying to grow, they are trying to build, and they are trying to do better. We are guinea pigs in some of these cases. [They ask] ‘What would help you guys? What would make this a better product? What can we do to be better for your classrooms or your district level?’ [Studies Weekly] is always wanting to try and do better.”

Curriculum Director, CA

“It has been an amazing experience to work with our Studies Weekly team throughout these past few years. Due to the great communication, logistics, and excellent packaging and labeling of all materials, the turnaround time for Twin Rivers Staff to process this has decreased every year and has made this a great experience. Thank you very much!”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“Working with Studies Weekly has been an absolute pleasure. Their commitment to excellent service is unmatched. Whenever I’ve needed assistance, they’ve been ready and eager to help, and their response time consistently surprised me — in the best possible way. What truly sets them apart is their dedication to nurturing partnerships. They go above and beyond by regularly checking in and sharing crucial updates, fostering a sense of collaboration and support that’s invaluable. Overall, my experience with Studies Weekly has been exceptional. They’ve not only provided top-notch service but also built a relationship founded on trust, support, and a shared passion for education.”


Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“Studies Weekly has definitely been a game changer for our inclusion classrooms and with our EL students. Teachers have an easier time addressing student needs when they are trying to deliver the content. It also helps our students use their strategies of reading with these news articles.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“The curriculum has definitely exceeded our expectations! We have seen such growth in our non-fictional text comprehension, and we contribute some of our gains to using Studies Weekly with all students!”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“The comprehension piece in Studies Weekly – when students answer questions about what they read – is huge! Another part of that is being able to enhance comprehension and relate it to what they are reading to real life.” 

Coordinator for Social Studies, TX

“Studies Weekly in Spanish is an excellent resource to engage and support our EL students!”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“I do feel like you can get a lot of blended cross-curricular things with the Studies Weekly. So, if my kid wasn’t really into English that day, we could tie English into Social Studies!”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“With the reading component, even our Reading and ELA teachers can look into Studies Weekly and use the content, which is informational text. They are still reading, and it is very good information for our teachers and students.”

4th Grade Teacher, FL

“I have been teaching with Studies Weekly for many years. The curriculum is great for teaching nonfiction text and strengthening how to find answers to specific questions in nonfiction text.”

3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“I love the activities on the last page of the newspaper. These activities are great for review of the week, but also provide me with different options for taking grades. The activities allow for discussion, writing, analyzing, and problem solving. These are all things students need to practice and Studies Weekly gives many options here!”

Coordinator of Social Studies, MD

“We are aware that there are only so many minutes in the day, and we are never going to win the war between ELA and math. I’m done trying. But to see where [Studies Weekly] can fit, match, and emphasize – particularly in those younger grades – I think is the best we can hope for. Until we really appreciate social studies and realize it can be the whole lesson!”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] provides engaging nonfiction texts for students. And it’s a great resource for the teachers who need those supplemental things.” 

Director of Bilingual Education, FL

“Studies Weekly is a fabulous resource used by all our One-Way Dual language teachers. The articles and books are used in our Interdisciplinary thematic biliteracy Units of instruction. The ability to find Spanish and English literature for all diverse students is an added bonus that Studies Weekly provides to all our staff. We give Studies Weekly an A+.”

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, MO

“The integration of our state ELA and social studies standards makes efficient use of classroom time as students utilize the unique newspaper style resource for practicing non-fiction reading and comprehension strategies. Having both the online and paper resources allows teachers to vary their instruction, getting hands-on with marking texts or doing cutting and sorting activities with the paper, or pushing out quizzes and comprehension checks online.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“We really have to teach them how to write concisely, technically, and accurately using the evidence. So having those elements and components in the Studies Weekly curriculum really does drive us to use it, because you are really working towards success for the kids.”

4th Grade Teacher, OH

“The team at Studies Weekly has done an excellent job researching and integrating facts, details, and stories about Ohio with the major strands in social studies. The students enjoy completing the projects that help extend their learning. The online component provides students a variety of ways to experience the text. This is especially helpful because it allows those who are not reading at grade level to experience the same text and content as their peers.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“The program supports academic vocabulary development for all students, and the best part about it is that all students gain access to the content.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“It’s a great vocabulary builder, too! And I like that each student can have a paper copy of the magazine and use it to answer the weekly questions.”

Teacher, SC

“Elementary teachers have to skillfully use time and integrate subjects. Studies Weekly fits perfectly into my daily ELA small group rotation and can be used independently, due to its features.”

2nd Grade Teacher, MD

“If I give [students] a Quick Write from Studies Weekly they are on it! They’re excited about it. They will write more for me. They add pictures, and they label the pictures. It’s that buy in. Everything is so engaging, they feel like, ‘Okay, I can do this. I can handle this. It’s not a long book and I can do this,’ and that’s huge.”

Teacher, CA

“The weekly publications are a nice change of pace from a regular textbook for both the students and our teachers. We love that students are able to write and annotate directly on the text of the articles to support the teaching of critical reading skills. Their balanced literacy approach makes it so simple to integrate many of the ELA standards through informational text to maximize instructional time and student learning. The online platform offers text to speech, additional resources that don’t take up our cupboard space, engaging videos and interviews, and so much more. I personally love that Studies Weekly’s staff is open to feedback and consistently works to add new features that make the online experience even better and easier to use!”


4th Grade Teacher, NC

“Students are engaged and want to complete the work because it comes in magazine form. Students also enjoy the online component and how it reads the articles to them.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“Because we only have 20-30 minutes to do SS each day, I use the article read-aloud option frequently to save time and cover more material in my SS block.”

Teacher, FL

“The lesson plans make teaching a breeze. The videos that are linked make planning so much easier and shorter. I LOVE having the extra review worksheets that I don’t have to go searching for. They have extra projects that make learning more fun and dynamic. I love everything about the Studies Weekly website in general!”

Teacher, AL

“I find the technological components of the program to be valuable. Teachers are able to readily find lessons and implement them by using the user-friendly program.”

6th Grade Teacher, NC

“I value the printed magazines the most. My students love being able to hold the magazine as they are reading. It is very easy, and we have been using it for a very long time.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Digital learning [with Studies Weekly Online] is important because we know our students are 21st-century learners. We’ve got to get them ready for jobs and college life. That’s what it’s all about.”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“I’m also a fan of the Studies Weekly Online platform. That’s one of the really cool services you guys provide — especially for our diverse students. We have emergent bilinguals that need those language accommodations, and so do our dyslexic students, special ed., etc.”

Assistant Superintendent, TX

“One feature that we love is the online component where they can read aloud the articles in the newspapers. That’s been huge.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“The students and I have really enjoyed the Studies Weekly.  The information is much more complete and interesting than the old SS program.  The students like the short reading passages, earning coins for their answers, and watching the video clips that explain vocabulary and concepts.  The newspaper version is nice and colorful, although the computer version with the questions for each section and the ability to highlight key concepts was great.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“I like Studies Weekly. The lessons are engaging with much richer content than the prior curriculum.

-Great combination of reading, videos, and hands-on materials.

-Highly motivating coins reward system for students built into the program.

-Platform is very user-friendly and simple to find assignments and grades.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“The students and I have really enjoyed the Studies Weekly.  The information is much more complete and interesting than the old SS program.  The students like the short reading passages, earning coins for their answers, and watching the video clips that explain vocabulary and concepts.  The newspaper version is nice and colorful, although the computer version with the questions for each section and the ability to highlight key concepts was great.”

Supervisor of Student Learning, LA

“In our district, we appreciate how Studies Weekly has provided us with developmentally appropriate social studies source documents for our K-2 students.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“From time to time, I will assign something on [Studies Weekly Online], which I think is really cool, especially for nontraditional learning like we had to do during COVID. If we are out for snow days, I can assign a lesson on the online platform. They already know how to get on that.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“One of the really engaging activities is collecting coins. They love collecting coins for answering questions, which makes them feel good about their reading. Those assignments are awesome.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“My favorite feature is the online read-aloud function! I co-teach, which means I have many students with a reading disability, and this function helps them as well as my audio learners.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“[Studies Weekly] is very structured and keeps the students engaged. As a teacher, it is easy for me to follow along with. The materials are easily available, and the preparation is quick.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“I am a fourth grade teacher and I teach social studies. I have been using Studies Weekly and I absolutely love it, and my students do too! It keeps everyone so engaged and my students have learned so well with this program. There are so many neat features on the website that I love to explore. I also appreciate it coming with the newspapers that my students are eager to learn from every day!”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly is very straightforward. All of the resources you need are online and any handouts are included in the printed copy of the lesson plans. It is very easy to look ahead and read ahead to get everything set to hand to students.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“From time to time, I will assign something on [Studies Weekly Online] which I think is really cool, especially for nontraditional learning like we had to do during COVID. If we are out for snow days, I can assign a lesson on the online platform. They already know how to get on that.”

1st Grade Teacher, CA

“First of all, I love using Studies Weekly with my class.  Here are some of the reasons why:

*Students friendly and engaging

*Easy to access for students on Clever (especially for Kids learning from home) *Easy to assign to students

*Videos are wonderful, and kids love listening to the stories being read to them *Students love to collect “coins”

*No printing/copies necessary (all online)-teachers can make copies if they want to.”

4th Grade Teacher, CA

“I like Studies Weekly.

-The lessons are engaging with much richer content than the prior curriculum.

-Great combination of reading, videos, and hands-on materials.

-A highly motivating coins reward system for students built into the program.

-The Platform is very user-friendly and simple to find assignments and grades.”

Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, K-12, TX

“Our district uses not only the print materials from Studies Weekly, but we also engage our students with the variety of targeted digital materials that Studies Weekly provides for holidays and events such as Veteran’s Day and Presidential elections.”

Teacher, NC

“I love that [Studies Weekly] has the option to read aloud. If students need to work independently, those struggling readers are still able to participate and get their work done.”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“A very cool feature that we started using was training on the customized content [in Studies Weekly Online]. It’s mimicking our STAAR test items. So we can give the students fill-in or open-response questions. That’s something that teachers enjoy.”

2nd Grade Teacher, MD

“We’re trying to get the kids more comfortable with technology. Because everything is so user-friendly the kids feel very comfortable with it. They don’t feel overwhelmed by it or scared of it.”

Teacher, SC

“Students put on headphones and are engaged. When we come back together as a group, they easily connect their lessons to what we are discussing.”

Student Services Technician, CA

“As a staff member I get a lot of feedback from parents, and they are always positive. Parents and students both seem to really enjoy online content in each subject. I think Studies Weekly is a wonderful addition to our curriculum choices.”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“Studies Weekly has been an engaging tool for our students. It’s really cool as a reading tool as well. And you could technically use it for cross-grades and cross-multiple. So, even though second grade resources might be at a different level, I could use it with my fourth grader at a different year and just build off of what I want to.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“When we did principal training two weeks ago, they were blown away by the newspapers. When we displayed the digital version, the colors are so embracing, they look wonderful on the screen. A lot of times, I’ll go into the classroom, and they’ll just have one of the pages of the children’s edition up, which is cool.”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly is the program teachers have been looking for to efficiently plan and engage students! The digital and paper resources give teachers the freedom to create activities for in-person and remote instruction. Our teachers love the flexibility of the unit structures. Weekly planning involves numerous choices for the presentation of materials through various modalities ready to support the needs of every student. The program includes graphic organizers, projects, and videos to support a teacher’s instructional planning. The assessment features give teachers the ability to run reports to see students working with their content. Formative assessments give our planning the direction for the next steps. Studies Weekly makes it simple to run a report and get a pulse on each student’s learning. The integration with Google Classroom allows our teachers to communicate with students for assignments and feedback.”

Curriculum Supervisor, PA

“As part of our curriculum review process, our District was looking for a new Social Studies resource that provided both online and hands-on materials. Specifically, in grade 4, we needed to ensure that Pennsylvania content was available. Studies Weekly provided the resources we were looking for and had the Pennsylvania content. The most appealing feature is that students have the stories in newspaper format, which they prefer over a textbook. They can interact with it online or on paper. The online features allow students to highlight, underline, and circle which reinforces the information taught in class. In addition, teachers like the online quizzes and incentives for students. We are in year one of our adoption, and some technical questions have come up. Studies Weekly has supported and responded in a timely manner to address our needs. All in all, we have been pleased with the resource and support thus far.”

5th Grade Teacher, TN

“We love the videos, it really helps them to ‘see’ history and understand it better.”

Teacher, SC

“It took me about 10 minutes to learn to navigate the [Studies Weekly Online] dashboard and get a feel for the features. When I couldn’t figure out something on my own, I emailed my representative and had a virtual training the same day!”

Instructional Coach, FL

“It’s extremely easy and user-friendly to implement.”

6th Grade Teacher, NC

“The most valuable aspect is the quizzes to check for student understanding!”

Teacher, AL

“I like that the articles are read aloud. I teach this three times a day, and being able to listen to parts of the article, and then pause them to further explain helps me as a teacher. Also, when students are given an independent assignment to reread an article, the students who struggle reading can listen to it as well. I like the videos and images that are included with many of the articles.”

Curriculum Supervisor, PA

“As part of our curriculum review process, our District was looking for a new Social Studies resource that provided both online and hands-on materials. Specifically, in grade 4, we needed to ensure that Pennsylvania content was available. Studies Weekly provided the resources we were looking for and had the Pennsylvania content.

The most appealing feature is that students have the stories in newspaper format, which they prefer over a textbook. They can interact with it online or on paper. The online features allow students to highlight, underline, and circle which reinforces the information taught in class. In addition, teachers like the online quizzes and incentives for students.

We are in year one of our adoption and some technical questions have come up. Studies Weekly has supported and responded in a timely manner to address our needs. All in all, we have been pleased with the resource and support thus far.”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly provides me with an effective way to teach social studies. I use it to enhance my lessons and incorporate technology.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“It’s been an interesting year for us here in our district. Our accreditation process has helped us to focus in a lot more on things that we have access to, and I’m looking forward to the great things that come out of this for years to come with our digital learning and using Studies Weekly to help meet that.”

STEM Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies & Science, PA

“Studies Weekly is the program teachers have been looking for to efficiently plan and engage students! The digital and paper resources give teachers the freedom to create activities for in-person and remote instruction. Our teachers love the flexibility of the unit structures. Weekly planning involves numerous choices for the presentation of materials through various modalities ready to support the needs of every student.

The program includes graphic organizers, projects, and videos to support a teacher’s instructional planning. The assessment features give teachers the ability to run reports to see students working with their content. Formative assessments give our planning the direction for next steps. Studies Weekly makes it simple to run a report and get a pulse on each student’s learning. The integration with Google Classroom allows our teachers to communicate with students for assignments and feedback.”

Student Engagement

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“The program is well written and engaging and the students like the interactive material.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“Our students love Studies Weekly because they are able to play the clips and the text is read to them as well. Those who have difficulty accessing grade level content are so appreciative of this feature because they have immediate access to the content and their reading levels do not limit their access to the non-fiction content!”

2nd Grade Teacher, CA

“I REALLY like Social Studies Weekly!  The kids are excited about the content, and the lesson can be completed in a timely manner.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“We really want our students to lead discussions and meet high expectations and standards on their own. Studies Weekly can be a part of that because it is rigorous and it lets them use 21st-century skills for research purposes.”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“I love that students can read to learn, show their learning responses, and then take them home to their families.”

Teacher, AL

“I have noticed that students like to discuss with me as I compare the articles to how things are today and discuss why and how things are the way they are today.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“[Studies Weekly] has multi-grade capability with it and it’s tangible, which homeschool families love. They love something to hold onto and they can read it together as a family.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Studies Weekly makes our students be active. When Miss Betsy from the Professional Development team came this summer, the light bulb went on for some of our teachers. A lot of them honestly have been afraid of the technology. They were pretty much relying on the newspaper itself instead of the digital side of things. We know that all digital is not good, but all print is not good either. There’s got to be a happy medium between the two. Active learning encourages our kids to apply tech skills and digital literacy that keeps them engaged.”

3rd Grade Teacher, OH

“My class seems to enjoy the economics lessons most. I like the primary and secondary source practice.”

Teacher, TX

“When I started Studies Weekly, the students got more involved. I think everyone should at least give it a try. I’m sure they will get hooked on it.”

1st Grade Teacher, PA

“The students absolutely love the newspapers. It takes complicated material and puts it in a way that they can understand and enjoy. They then like to take them home and share them with their family!”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“We had some feedback and the student said, “My grandpa reads their newspaper on Sunday,” so this little one brings out his newspaper and it’s really cute!”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“More students are engaged with [Studies Weekly] content. Students are able to stay on certain sections or go back and listen. They are also able to follow along in the printed text as well.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teacher, LA

“My students love the option to earn coins on the Studies Weekly website by answering questions correctly. Then, they love to spend the coins on fun things on the website. I love that they have an incentive to answer the questions we would answer anyway! They also love the crosswords and misspelled games online.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“If you don’t have as much time in the class as I do, even if you just have 15 minutes, you still have the little newspaper. They can go through that, they can cut that up, and they can put it in a journal. You can still have a very successful lesson. If you want to draw it out for a week or so, then all the printables are online.”

1st Grade Teacher, CA

“I really enjoyed the Studies Weekly curriculum. It was effective and engaging for our students. The students really understood the text as it was written. It also had adjustable reading levels for each text. The magazines were fun for the kids, too! This is wonderful as far as space goes because it doesn’t take up any room in their already packed desks. It makes it easy for the students to follow along, especially for the younger students who have a hard time finding page numbers in big books. The google classroom link makes it easy to assign for our distance learners. Also, it asks comprehension questions at the end of each online assignment so no copying or sending home textbooks is required. I really enjoyed this curriculum and found it would be a great addition for our younger students.”

Homeschool Parent, CA

“For my first grader he’s going to see sight words. He’s going to be seeing some words that maybe he doesn’t know how to sound out yet. There are so many cool things!”

Instructional Materials Coordinator, TX

“Our students love Studies Weekly because the magazines are fun and interesting! It keeps the students engaged in positive ways, and they are learning so much!”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“The students enjoy taking the papers home to read with their families.”

Teacher, SC

“Students like highlighting and having the option of being read to. The teacher tasks are simple with easy lesson assignments, objective assessments graded for me, and flexibility with timing.”

3rd Grade Teacher, NJ

“The online version is very colorful, has sound, and offers a game to win points — it’s very engaging.”

Teacher, FL

“The students get excited to learn from the user-friendly student edition online or with the print. They provide you with fun learning games that give the kiddos incentive to learn the material and do well with their schoolwork.”

Teacher, FL

“Students love being able to participate and use the different functions. They get excited for the games that are offered.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“[Students] love having their newspapers. They feel like grown-ups, and they almost argue about who gets to pass them out each day! We have our own routine with putting our names and dates on them and things like that. That way, we know what day we did certain pages in them. I use all of the printables that are online and in the teacher resources.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“I went into a 2nd grade classroom about two months after we had the product [Explore Science], and kids were singing a phenomenon song – that hadn’t happened before this year. And it’s been a really good thing to have that in the teacher’s hands.”

Homeschool & Charter Executive Director, CA

“For the little kids, they’ll be looking at the photos, hearing the stories, getting the content and details, and being able to think critically.”

2nd Grade Teacher, CA

“I REALLY like Social Studies Weekly!  The kids are excited about the content, and the lesson can be completed in a timely manner.”

Teacher, NC

“I have seen Studies Weekly from grades 3-5, and I like the way it changes to allow students to engage with it and understand those tricky historical or economical concepts. My students love to see how many coins they can earn, and that motivates them to try their best.”

5th Grade Teacher, IL

“My students and I are enjoying Studies Weekly. The lessons are designed to keep the interest of students without being too wordy. The quizzes after each lesson are extremely helpful to reinforce key ideas. Students seem to love earning the coins as well. Thanks for creating such a thoughtful program around government and civics education.”

5th Grade Teacher, NJ

“Using Studies Weekly as my primary Social Studies curriculum has made it really easy to assign work digitally. After the first week, students got into a groove of reading the material, watching the videos, and answering the test questions by going back to the text. It has been perfect for my struggling learners and special education students because of all the read-to-me features included. I have received positive feedback from both students and parents. They love to answer questions and earn coins. The videos are fabulous and I have used them in class as well. Just recently, I started using some of the graphic organizers and I’m finding them to be very effective.”

2nd Grade Teacher, KY

“The kids get so much more out of inquiry-based learning that I’ve noticed. I saw that when I was the gifted education teacher, they love stuff like that. So I love it.”

1st Grade Teacher, TN

“I have used Social Studies Weekly magazines with my 1st grade students for several years. I love how the magazines help to guide teaching and discussion in the classroom. Students are able to see real life examples and photographs that help them to make sense of and relate to the state standards that are being taught. Students are then given the opportunity to apply their learning on the last page of the magazine. I love that students are able to consumable magazines home to share their learning with their families.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teachers

As gifted teachers, we love the extra extension activities that come with some of the lessons. The research projects, presentations, games, etc. that we get to do, extend our learning, make the lessons more engaging, and allow my students to dig deeper. One of the ones we really loved was the social media profile for a Greek God/Goddess!”


3rd Grade Teacher, TN

“Studies Weekly gave me a resource for teaching standards that I wasn’t sure how to tackle. It provides appropriate texts that are engaging and rigorous. It provides students opportunities to apply what they are learning in ELA class to texts in Social Studies.“

Academic Coach and Teacher, HI

“We ordered [Studies Weekly] because it is a high engagement resource for implementing the new QFT strategy around inquiry based learning”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“You have your weekly assessments in English and in Spanish that mimic the reading STARR 2.0 question types. The interviews and videos are so easy to include in a lesson plan and a lot of those videos are in Spanish as well.”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

”We wanted to find a product that we could fit in with our standards – that was teaching the terminology and vocabulary that we’re looking for, especially in science. Our state is phenomenon-driven for science and that’s what Studies Weekly is.”

Instructional Coordinator, TX

“For STAAR we’re not giving you poetry and little fairy tales to read anymore on the assessment, you’re getting informational text, nonfiction, and we need you to approach it as a good reader. So having that historical background, the understanding of what’s going on in the story, the children can then do a better job.”

Social Studies Facilitator, TX

“[Studies Weekly Teacher Edition] It has your lesson plans. It has your academic vocabulary there, any online resources that you might include, and then it has your assessment questions. They are so critical to measuring student mastery.”

5th Grade Teacher, NC

“I absolutely love Studies Weekly! The fact that it is standards-aligned is very helpful. It helps me to stay on pace with my students (I tend to nerd out). I love that the text is rigorous and leads to great discussions. My students love both the print and digital formats, videos, and engaging articles.”

Teacher, AL

“Studies Weekly has helped my instruction by giving me a curriculum that follows the Alabama Course of Study: Social Studies. It is a thorough and updated sequence of events all about how Alabama came to be, as well as important current events.”

4th Grade Teacher, NC

“[Studies Weekly] makes planning easier and goes along with our standards!”

3rd Grade Teacher, KY

“Speaking as someone who helped revise the Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies, I am very pleased as to how closely aligned to the standards the new Kentucky edition is! I love the opportunities the students have to not only answer questions but to ask questions as well. I also love the opportunities to take action that the new edition includes.”

4th Grade Teacher, FL

“The redesigned material for the Florida Weekly Studies is (in my opinion) structured better with the new units. As a teacher, I love that the Studies Weekly curriculum covers all necessary standards. Students enjoy the material and supporting videos.”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Now, education is extremely difficult. And I think it’s important for teachers to know how to use their resources wisely. One thing that we’re working on in our district is Cognia Accreditation. We’re going through district-wide accreditation and I am that guy. I’ve led our district with the help of our central office employees, our school principals, and their leadership teams, to do some self-assessments. This is where Studies Weekly has been a big talking point for us.”

Teacher, SC

“What a great way to squeeze in Social Studies when timing is a struggle! You can also easily comply with IEP accommodations and get a variety of grades.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“It is an easy, interactive, fun program for students to use to learn CCSS in science and social studies. The program meets the expectations of ease of use to help students learn concepts in a fun format.”

Curriculum Coordinator, HI

“[Studies Weekly] has provided an easy way to teach the CCSS through an easy magazine format that allows teachers to teach concepts in a condensed version, using visual graphics and videos.”

Teacher, FL

“It makes teaching easy. You have all the things you need right in front of you and can utilize them. It has a read-aloud function that helps my ESE [Exceptional Student Education] students.”

4th Grade Gifted Education Teacher, LA

“Previously, I was pulling together activities and resources from all over the place to meet my standards. With Studies Weekly, everything is together in one place — so easy to implement!”


Principal. WI

“Rebecca was amazing with the Studies Weekly training on June 6. We all learned a great deal about the resources available for science and social studies K-5. Thank you for your fun and participatory presentations and collaboration.”

Director Of Curriculum and Instruction, K-8, Preschool Director, AL

“When I started the adventure with [Studies Weekly] PD and Betsy Glisson, I knew I wanted it to be grade-specific, and she agreed to it – to me, that’s a lot of flexibility.“ 

Social Studies Program Manager, LA

“Amanda Die has provided amazing support to our district. Her knowledge of social studies and her commitment to providing a quality product is exceptional. In discussing the upcoming changes in our social studies standards, I realized how much time, effort, and research Amanda puts in to make sure Studies Weekly provides an excellent curriculum for our students!”

5th Grade Teacher, FL

“I wanted to thank you for your training for Clay County Florida for Social Studies. I had no idea what all I could do with these publications! Thank you for taking the time to prepare, to motivate us and especially take home something we created and could USE in our classrooms. YOU are an amazing trainer and your teacher’s heart was built into everything you taught us!”

Coordinator of Social Studies

“I stumbled across Studies Weekly and reached out to Sheldon, and I was like ‘what are you, what are you guys doing?’ And that was kind of it! Sheldon was real smart and put Betsy right in front of me, and we were talking and she said ‘We have social studies for 6 minutes ad 17 seconds, because that is what teachers have time for.'”

Assistant Principal, FL

“I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much our teachers loved your training. They were raving about all the resources that they never used because they simply didn’t know the endless possibilities. Thank you for the lively morning — they definitely left with their wheels turning and are excited to implement new ideas this year!”

Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development, AL

“Studies Weekly makes our students be active. When Miss Betsy from the Product Development team came this summer, the light bulb went on for some of our teachers. A lot of them honestly have been afraid of the technology. They were pretty much relying on the newspaper itself instead of the digital side of things. We know that all digital is not good, but all print is not good either. There’s got to be a happy medium between the two. Active learning encourages our kids to apply tech skills and digital literacy that keeps them engaged.”

5th Grade Teacher, FL

[My PD Trainer’s] skills as a trainer and teacher with patience, encouragement, and group interaction are some of the best I’ve seen. This training was fantastic!”

Teacher, NC

“I have always loved Studies Weekly. It was the best PD I ever went to as a teacher and I have wanted to work for you guys ever since. It was really such a fun and engaging training”

Instructional Supervisor, KY

“We brought Betsy up to Kentucky. My first introduction to her was with the teachers. We were in the library, and I said, ‘Listen, you don’t have to hide your accent around Betsy; she’s just like us.’ That was real fun, her relationships with the teachers. I don’t know how frequently they email her, but I’ll tell them, ‘You’re more likely to get a response, a correct response, from Betsy than you will from me.'”

See the Results of Their Efforts!

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