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Making Social Studies Fun to Teach | Teacher Testimonial

Nov 07, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Manda Rensel, 1st Grade Teacher, PA


Tell us why you love Studies Weekly!

Manda Rensel: Hi, my name is Manda Rensel, and I’m from Butler Catholic School. For the past many years, we haven’t had a great Social Studies curriculum. This year, we started with Social Studies Weekly, and I absolutely love it. It’s amazing, and even I’m learning a lot, so thank you so much for everything. 

Manda's Story

In Manda Rensel’s 25-year teaching career, she never enjoyed teaching history. She recalls not having much of a social studies curriculum: only one set of heavy textbooks with very few resources. When she switched to Studies Weekly Social Studies, she had, for the first time, a social studies curriculum that was both simple to follow and fun to teach.

“Studies Weekly has changed my outlook on history,” she says. 

The most valuable resources to her are the lesson plans.

“They are step-by-step and easy to follow. They take complicated material and put it in a way that [the students] can understand and enjoy!” she says.

She also enjoys the many resources that come with her Studies Weekly Social Studies, like activities, weekly newsletters, and home learning components, which make Studies Weekly a much better partner than her old history textbooks. 

Manda’s advice to other educators is: “Give Studies Weekly a try!”