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Studies Weekly Curriculum wins Oklahoma 2020 State Adoption

Dec. 13, 2020 • Studies Weekly

Oklahoma Studies Weekly is here!

If you’re an Oklahoma educator, you may be wondering, what the 2020 Studies Weekly Oklahoma Social Studies State Adoption means to you.

Bottom line, it means you are getting the most customized, updated, and standards-aligned content you could possibly have.

Those of you who have been using our 2013 state-adopted Social Studies curriculum will be excited by the changes. Those who didn’t use us before, you will want to check us out.

The 2020 social studies curriculum was completely updated and rewritten, is thematically cohesive, and very impressive. It is:

  •  100% aligned with the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Social Studies
  •  100% aligned with the Oklahoma Social Studies Content Strands
  • 100% aligned with the Oklahoma Social Studies Practices
  • Aligned to support the Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts

You will hit all of Oklahoma’s standards throughout the school year in an engaging and rigorous way for all your students, because our amazing curriculum and design teams have tightened up how we present those standards on every single page.

Educators using older materials will also find that this new product has stronger scaffolding, with a revised design geared toward better readability for each developmental level. This is evidenced in the examples below for Kindergarten:

Front, middle, and back pages of the 2013 State-Adopted Studies Weekly social studies curriculum.
Oklahoma Studies Weekly Social Studies 2020
Front, middle, and back pages of the 2020 State-Adopted Studies Weekly social studies curriculum.

As you can see, the newer publication goes into clearer detail about directions, maps, and location wayfinding.

In other grades, the changes are more subtle, but very effective. For example, in The World Around Me Studies Weekly–My Place in Time & Space for Oklahoma first grade, the new publication clearly shows the patriotic symbols that are required by the standards, so students can see and learn them quickly and easily.

Additionally, in many weeks through all grades, we added more primary sources for students to interact with. Maps are now more detailed throughout to help situate historical events in time and place.

We are honored to continue to partner with Oklahoma.

To view the new curriculum, visit