Family Accounts: Studies Weekly Makes Parent, Guardian, and Caregiver Involvement Easier
We know that family involvement is one of the key indicators in the value of your students’ education. As an educator, parents and caregivers can either be your greatest allies or some of your most difficult hurdles.
This is where the Family Accounts in Studies Weekly Online come in.
The ability to create Family Accounts through Studies Weekly Online is one of the greatest tools available to you and your students’ parents. It allows family members to closely monitor how their kids are doing and how they’re using the Studies Weekly Online resources.
Here’s some important Family Accounts info and tips to help you increase family involvement in your classroom, and give everyone a better education experience.
This increases parent involvement, and is transparent.
Encourage your students and their parents to use the online Family Dashboard. We designed this tool to promote dialogue, increase parent, guardian, and caregiver involvement, and provide a more robust student experience.
The Family Dashboard gives parents and loved ones the option to see what their students are doing within the Studies Weekly tool, and track their child’s account. Parents can easily see how their child did on assessments, their rewards accumulation, and view notes and highlights from reading.
Student information is private and safe.
We live in a digital age and sensitive information is shot across the internet every second. Therefore, the privacy and security of our data and certainly your children’s data is paramount. Rest assured that with the Family Dashboard, your students’ information is private. Two-step verification is built in, and ensures that no student data is transferred outside the teacher-parent relationship. No one has access to your student’s information but teachers and authorized family members.
Setting up the Family Dashboard is easy.
To get family members started using Family Dashboard, teachers must set up the account and email the parents, guardians, or caregivers. For teachers who need steps for doing that, please visit the Studies Weekly Knowledge Center article, “How to Edit Student Accounts,” and review the Edit Individual Students tab.
Once the account is set up, teachers will send an email to appropriate family members. Parents, guardians, caregivers can learn what that email will contain, and the next steps they need to do to activate their account at the Studies Weekly Knowledge Center article, “Navigating the Family Dashboard.”
If you’re looking for a robust curriculum that complies with state standards, is engaging for your kids, and also increases family involvement, order your curriculum on the Studies Weekly Store and request a quote today.