Oklahoma the World around me

State-Adopted Oklahoma Social Studies Wins Textbook Awards

Feb. 27, 2020 • Studies Weekly

For the third year in a row, Studies Weekly’s publications earned awards from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association.

Studies Weekly’s Oklahoma Studies Weekly – Our State, 2nd Edition, 7th Volume won the K-12 Textbook Excellence Award for 2020. This textbook uses Oklahoma’s history, geography, economy, and people to introduce social studies concepts in a vibrant, engaging, and student-friendly way.

Cover of Oklahoma Studies Weekly Property of Studies Weekly“Oklahoma changed their standards in 2019, and we produced these publications to their specifications. Our previous edition of Oklahoma Studies Weekly: Our State won last year, but the change in Oklahoma’s standards warranted a new edition,” said Dave Hall, Studies Weekly design manager. “To maintain that level of excellence while redoing an award-winning publication — and win for a second year in a row — is an amazing feat. Our writers and team were able to produce these materials within a very tight deadline, and we are extremely proud of them.”

In addition, a new Studies Weekly Oklahoma publication, The World Around Me Studies Weekly – My Place in Time and Space, 1st ed., received the prestigious 2020 Most Promising New Textbook Award for K-12.

The world around me studies weekly week one Property of Studies WeeklyBoth publications are part of a new curriculum for Oklahoma that is 100% aligned with the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Social Studies and supports the Oklahoma Academic English Language Arts Standards.

“To win these awards while completing an entire curriculum that is 100% aligned to new standards, and have it state-adopted with such a quick turnaround, is a testament to the dedication and attention to detail by our curriculum department, our writers, and our designers. This was a full Studies Weekly effort,” Hall said.

The Textbook Excellence Award recognizes excellence in current textbooks and learning materials. The Most Promising New Textbook Award recognizes superior quality in first edition textbooks and learning materials, according to TAA information.

The awards will be presented during an awards luncheon June 12, 2020, at TAA’s 33rd Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference in San Diego, California.

To view the new curriculum, visit studiesweekly.com/oklahoma.