We are teaching in a very strange time like never before.

According to current statistics, mental health has been declining dramatically in the last couple of years, and students are struggling. They are dealing with the stress of the unknown and not fully understanding things they hear grown-ups talking about.

Children may see others’ frustrations and pick up on their anger, yet they haven’t learned the coping skills needed to process what they feel, and as a result, act civilly.

With student behavior problems on the rise, many teachers feel the need to teach life skills, character, and values on top of ALL the educational curriculum. They really are asked to do the impossible.

Thank goodness for Social Emotional Learning resources like Studies Weekly’s new Well-being products to help. We need this help now more than ever.

Helping our students to calm down, center, and refocus is a very integral piece before learning can take place. Finding even small moments during the day to take part in exercises like focused breathing, yoga, or calming down activities will make all the difference.

I want to share some Music Listening Links that you can play during a focused breathing exercise or during an in-class activity to help students stay focused.

These are awesome videos to share with your class when they need a quick calm-down.

Hang in there! I’m rooting for you! ❤️

Best wishes,

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