Have you heard?

Studies Weekly has created a new core K-5 science curriculum that’s fully aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and incorporates the well-known 5E model. This program more powerfully engages students by inspiring them to explore, ask questions, and solve real-world problems.

Phenomenon-Based Learning

The new Studies Weekly Science is highly phenomenon-driven. Each lesson begins with observing natural phenomena, sparking questions about how and why, so students organically learn to make sense of the world.

Units balance experiential learning with informational text so students gain a deeper understanding of crosscutting concepts.

New Studies Weekly Science Curriculum Features

3D Learning

Each grade level emphasizes age-appropriate hands-on experiences because the best way to learn science is to do it. Units support the K-12 Framework’s 3D approach to learning while still meeting performance expectations. Lessons include formative assessment questions with a weekly summative assessment of 3D learning and student performance.

Engineering Design Lessons

Studies Weekly Science prominently features engineering throughout each grade level. Students learn through dedicated engineering weeks in early grades, while upper-grade students experience integrated science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts throughout weekly lessons.

Real-World Examples

Weekly activities teach students to use science and engineering to solve real-world problems. These experiences make the curriculum relatable and can increase learning retention.

ELA Integration

Nonfiction articles give students a literacy approach to science with embedded and relevant writing prompts that help them make sense of the anchoring phenomenon. Units also include domain-specific vocabulary words to expand their scientific knowledge.

New Studies Weekly Science Curriculum

Adaptable to In-Class and Remote Learning

Student editions come in a consumable periodical format that students can write on, highlight, and cut up to make class projects and demonstrate understanding of the content.

Science publications are also available on Studies Weekly Online – a robust digital learning platform with educational games and tools for highlighting and note-taking.


The teacher edition includes pre-written lesson plans and other valuable resources so teachers have more time to focus on their students. Lesson plans include ideas for scaffolding knowledge and skills to help students develop and build confidence in their STEM skills.

The new Studies Weekly Science is ready for the 2022-2023 school year. Most Studies Weekly customers will receive this new curriculum to replace the old science publications.

Visit our website to see samples of the new Studies Weekly Science.

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